Demerit in spanish


pronunciation: desmeɹ̩itoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

demerit = demérito, desmerecimiento. 

Example: To accomplish this higher purpose, Panizzi argued, required a deliberately designed 'system,' and his much maligned rules, whatever their individual merits or demerits, were intended to embody that system.


» merits (and/or) demerits = ventajas (y/o) desventajas, pros (y/o) contras.

Example: The author examines the merits and demerits of a variety of techniques designed to determine user preferences for information services.

Demerit synonyms

fault in spanish: culpa, pronunciation: fɔlt part of speech: noun

Demerit antonyms

virtue pronunciation: vɜrtʃu part of speech: noun merit pronunciation: merət part of speech: noun
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