Demented in spanish


pronunciation: demente part of speech: adjective
In gestures

demented = demente, loco, histérico. 

Example: Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.

Demented synonyms

sick in spanish: enfermos, pronunciation: sɪk part of speech: adjective crazy in spanish: loco, pronunciation: kreɪzi part of speech: adjective mad in spanish: enojado, pronunciation: mæd part of speech: adjective insane in spanish: insano, pronunciation: ɪnseɪn part of speech: adjective distracted in spanish: distraído, pronunciation: dɪstræktəd part of speech: adjective unhinged in spanish: desquiciado, pronunciation: ənhɪndʒd part of speech: adjective disturbed in spanish: perturbado, pronunciation: dɪstɜrbd part of speech: adjective unbalanced in spanish: desequilibrado, pronunciation: ənbælənst part of speech: adjective brainsick in spanish: trastornado mentalmente, pronunciation: breɪnsɪk part of speech: adjective
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