Demarcation in spanish


pronunciation: demɑɹ̩kɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

demarcation = demarcación, diferenciación, línea divisoria. 

Example: A clearer demarcation might be drawn between the traditional subject headings lists and thesauri by the following summary of differences.


» demarcation line = línea de demarcación.

Example: The main issue discussed was the justification of the 'shoot to kill' policy adopted by Israel against Arab infiltrators across the 1949 demarcation lines.

» draw + a demarcation = establecer una diferencia.

Example: A clearer demarcation might be drawn between the traditional subject headings lists and thesauri by the following summary of differences.

Demarcation synonyms

line in spanish: línea, pronunciation: laɪn part of speech: noun contrast in spanish: contraste, pronunciation: kɑntræst part of speech: noun limit in spanish: límite, pronunciation: lɪmət part of speech: noun, verb demarcation line in spanish: línea de demarcación, pronunciation: dimɑrkeɪʃənlaɪn part of speech: noun dividing line in spanish: línea divisoria, pronunciation: dɪvaɪdɪŋlaɪn part of speech: noun
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