Demanding in spanish


pronunciation: eksixente part of speech: adjective
In gestures

demand3 = demandar, requerir, reclamar, reivindicar, necesitar, exigir. 

Example: The other part of the picture reveals title indexes to be only crude subject indexes, which for effective use demand imagination and searching skills on the part of the user.


» demand + justice = reclamar justicia.

Example: Seething with anger, hundreds of people yesterday came out on the roads waving banners, shouting slogans and waving their fists in the air, demanding justice.

» demand + Posesivo + attention = demandar + Posesivo + atención, requerir + Posesivo + atención, exigir + Posesivo + atención.

Example: Meanwhile, there are two nettlesome problems that continue to demand his attention.

demanding = exigente, difícil. 

Example: It is clear to me that they face a professional role that will be far more complicated and far more demanding that the one we have known.


» mentally demanding = agotador mentalmente, que requiere mucho esfuerzo mental.

Example: A study has found that people who remained sedentary after mentally demanding tasks consumed more calories than those who exercised.

» physically demanding = agotador físicamente, que requiere mucho esfuerzo físico.

Example: Boxing is both physically demanding and mentally draining.

» undemanding = poco exigente, fácil.

Example: This very absence of quality is what makes these books attractive to children, not just because they are easy to read, undemanding, untaxing, but because the simplistic plots and characters leave children free to embroider and enrich the stories in their own way as they read.

Demanding synonyms

stern in spanish: popa, pronunciation: stɜrn part of speech: noun, adjective tight in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: taɪt part of speech: adjective stringent in spanish: riguroso, pronunciation: strɪndʒənt part of speech: adjective exigent in spanish: exigente, pronunciation: eksɪdʒənt part of speech: adjective rigorous in spanish: riguroso, pronunciation: rɪgɜrəs part of speech: adjective strict in spanish: estricto, pronunciation: strɪkt part of speech: adjective exacting in spanish: exigente, pronunciation: ɪgzæktɪŋ part of speech: adjective tightened in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: taɪtənd part of speech: adjective

Demanding antonyms

undemanding pronunciation: ʌndəmændɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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