Demand in spanish


pronunciation: demɑndɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

demand1 = demanda, requisito, requerimiento. 

Example: The best indexing system can respond to these various demands.


» accommodate + a demand = atender a una demanda, satisfacer una demanda.

Example: Moreover, every major public institution has changed its policies to accommodate the demands of Islamic community leaders.

» be in huge demand = tener una gran demanda, ser muy demandado.

Example: Our wide array of frocks is an eye popper and is in huge demand among the youth due to their exotic designs.

» bow to + a demand = ceder a una demanda.

Example: This project investigated the dichotomy confronting the public librarians whether to provide quality literature or to bow to the demand of the public library user for light/popular/bestselling fiction.

» by popular demand = a petición popular.

Example: The usual tactic of marketing departments is to insist that a show has come 'back by popular demand'.

» cater for/to + a demand = atender a una demanda.

Example: Ever since 1976, the construction of an information supply system to cater for the demands of physics research has been planned and implemented.

» commercial demand = demanda comercial.

Example: Commercial demand for photographs will grow and put increasing pressure on non-commercial institutions providing the service.

» decline in demand = disminución de la demanda.

Example: While decline in demand was the key driver for the 2008 crash, the sharp drop in prices this time around is being caused by a supply glut.

» demand load = demandas, consultas, peticiones, accesos.

Example: Server logs were designed to measure traffic and demand loads on a computer server, and they work well for this purpose.

» falling demand = demanda cada vez menor.

Example: The Spanish airline swung to a net loss in the second quarter, hurt by falling demand for air travel as the recession grips Spain.

» gauge + the demand for = estimar la demanda de Algo.

Example: Gauging the potential demand for a 'difficult' novel by a completely new author is obviously a hazardous business and might result in books standing unwanted on the shelves.

» global demand = demanda mundial.

Example: Global demand for phosphate rock is predicted to rise at 2.3% per year in order to produce crops for biofuel production.

» increased demand = aumento de la demanda, incremento de la demanda.

Example: The need for a method of ensuring secure communication over insecure channels, such as the Internet, has seen an increased demand for good cryptography.

» increase in (the) demand = aumento de la demanda.

Example: The increase in demand for the reference sources also coincides with the spread of reference services in all libraries during the twentieth century.

» inelastic demand = demanda fija, demanda sin variaciones.

Example: The model shows that market concentration rises with inelastic demand.

» in great demand = muy solicitado.

Example: He has participated extensively in local, regional, and national library organizations and has been in great demand as a public speaker and consultant on library service.

» job demand = demanda laboral, demanda de trabajo, demanda de empleo.

Example: This may vary a bit from area to area of the United States depending on job demand and so on, but it is generally in this ballpark.

» law of supply and demand = ley de la oferta y la demanda.

Example: Adult education is a free market subject to the laws of supply and demand = La educación de adultos es un mercado libre sujeto a las leyes de la oferta y la demanda.

» level of demand = nivel de demanda.

Example: Had it not been for this investment in automation, university libraries would certainly not have been able to cope with the increased levels of demand with their reduced staffing.

» make + a demand = requerir, exigir, crear demanda.

Example: Also, informative abstracts make greater demands upon appreciation of subject content than indicative abstracts.

» market demand = demanda de mercado, demanda comercial.

Example: Electronic books will be cheaper to produce, easier to distribute and be published to meet any market demand.

» meet + a demand = satisfacer una demanda.

Example: There are grounds for the fear that coping strategies, necessarily adopted by SLIS in the past, have seriously narrowed the vision of what will be necessary to meet the demands of the future.

» on demand = a petición del usuario, a medida que se necesite, según se necesite, cuando se solicite.

Example: An automatic chasing system is provided for unfulfilled orders, but individual items may also be chased on demand.

» on-demand publishing = edición según la demanda, publicación según la demanda.

Example: The article 'The long and short of a new business model' reviews the application of CD-R on-demand publishing to fill the gap between producing a few copies and spending large sums on replicators to produce 1000 or more copies = El artículo "Un nuevo modelo económico en breve" analiza la aplicación de la publicación en CD-Grabable según la demanda para cubrir el vacío que existe entre producir unas cuentas copias o invertir grandes sumas de dinero en reproductores de CD-ROM para producir 1.000 o más copias.

» place + demands on = exigir, imponer exigencias a.

Example: The latest developments in pharmacology are placing new demands on pharmaceutical libraries especially for information on the field of biopharmacology.

» public demand = demanda popular.

Example: Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.

» satisfy + a demand = satisfacer una demanda.

Example: If we need a title to satisfy demand, we will buy it on spiral bound toilet paper if that is the only way we can get it.

» seasonal demand = demanda de temporada, demanda según la temporada, demanda estacional.

Example: Due to a seasonal demand, when the storage facility is full this product has to be dumped into the quarry using dumpers.

» subject to demand = dependiendo de la demanda.

Example: Subject to demand it may also be possible to arrange a trip to Turkey in the Easter vacation.

» suit + a demand = ajustarse a una exigencia.

Example: The system has to be customised to suit any specific application so that it suits the demands of the microcomputer with which it is being used.

» supply and demand = oferta y demanda.

Example: This article is a review of the current state of document image processing (DIP) applications and the progress of supply and demand for DIP systems in the UK.

» tailor to + a demand = adecuar a una necesidad.

Example: Edge notch cards are often ordered in a size tailored to the demands of the index, and can be purchased with any coding that the index designer specifies.

» vary based on + demand = variar según la demanda, variar dependiendo de la demanda.

Example: During the summer, peak hours are 2 to 7 p.m. weekdays, and prices during those hours vary based on demand.

demand2 = demanda, queja, petición. 

Example: Demands from clients will often throw up an occurrence of similar problems, revealing perhaps the operation of an injustice, the lack of an amenity in the neighbourhood, or simply bureaucratic inefficiency.


» notice of demand = notificación de demanda.

Example: The amount specified in the notice of demand shall be paid within 30 days of the service of the notice at the place and to the person mentioned in the notice.

demand3 = demandar, requerir, reclamar, reivindicar, necesitar, exigir. 

Example: The other part of the picture reveals title indexes to be only crude subject indexes, which for effective use demand imagination and searching skills on the part of the user.


» demand + justice = reclamar justicia.

Example: Seething with anger, hundreds of people yesterday came out on the roads waving banners, shouting slogans and waving their fists in the air, demanding justice.

» demand + Posesivo + attention = demandar + Posesivo + atención, requerir + Posesivo + atención, exigir + Posesivo + atención.

Example: Meanwhile, there are two nettlesome problems that continue to demand his attention.

Demand synonyms

take in spanish: tomar, pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb need in spanish: necesitar, pronunciation: nid part of speech: verb, noun ask in spanish: pedir, pronunciation: æsk part of speech: verb involve in spanish: implicar, pronunciation: ɪnvɑlv part of speech: verb require in spanish: exigir, pronunciation: rikwaɪɜr part of speech: verb exact in spanish: exacto, pronunciation: ɪgzækt part of speech: adjective requirement in spanish: requisito, pronunciation: rɪkwaɪrmənt part of speech: noun necessitate in spanish: necesitar, pronunciation: nəsesəteɪt part of speech: verb call for in spanish: pedir, pronunciation: kɔlfɔr part of speech: verb

Demand antonyms

supply pronunciation: səplaɪ part of speech: noun, verb obviate pronunciation: ɑbvieɪt part of speech: verb eliminate pronunciation: ɪlɪməneɪt part of speech: verb rid of pronunciation: rɪdʌv part of speech: verb
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