Delivery in spanish


pronunciation: entɹ̩egɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

delivery1 = envío, entrega, distribución, difusión, transferencia, suministro, reparto, prestación, uso, implementación. 

Example: Entry of number '21' reverses the present delivery status.


» ADONIS (Automated Document Delivery Over Networked Information Systems) = ADONIS (Distribución automática de documentos a través de sistemas de información en red).

Example: This article gives a history of ADONIS (Automated Document Delivery Over Networked Inforion Systems) project from the late 1970s to its inauguration in 1987.

» cash on delivery (COD) = contrarreembolso.

Example: A new breed of speculator has emerged ready to take the entire printing of a popular title from the bindery and to pay cash on delivery (COD).

» content delivery = distribución de contenido, distribución de información.

Example: Users come to expect personalization of the information and greater management of the content delivery.

» delivery confirmation = acuse de recibo.

Example: I also read that even if i had insurance, the post office couldn't do anything since the delivery confirmation says that it was delivered.

» delivery date = fecha de entrega.

Example: We therefore reserve the right to revise delivery dates in the event of circumstances beyond our control.

» delivery delay = retraso del envío.

Example: Due to normal publication and delivery delays, a periodical is seldom received on the day of its cover date.

» delivery driver = repartidor.

Example: Two boys said they were shooting at a garbage can but ended up hitting a 61-year-old delivery driver instead, police say.

» delivery man = repartidor.

Example: Officials are hopeful that all delivery men in the city will be equipped with balances within a month.

» delivery medium = soporte.

Example: The key to the effectiveness of the data base is digitilisation, which breaks down barriers imposed by time, physical distance and delivery medium.

» delivery person = repartidor.

Example: Independent bakery requires an energetic and good-natured delivery person with a reliable vehicle.

» delivery room = sala de partos, paritorio.

Example: Okay dads-to-be, we know you're scared to be there but honestly your wife wants you in that delivery room for support.

» delivery van = furgoneta de reparto.

Example: The early mobile library served a dual role both as a delivery van to library centres scattered throughout the county and as travelling book van.

» document delivery system = sistema de petición de documentos, sistema de transferencia de documentos. [En recuperación de información, método que utiliza una biblioteca para solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]

Example: Experiments in improved document delivery systems, and the establishment of networks between libraries are under way.

» document delivery = petición de documentos, transferencia de documentos, acceso a los documentos. [En recuperación de información, acto que realiza una biblioteca de solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]

Example: This article examines resource sharing, interlibrary loan and document delivery comparing the turnaround time for interlibrary loan in 1987 with that of 1989.

» document delivery = tiempo de préstamo. [En evaluación de servicios, tiempo medio entre el momento en que un usuario comienza el procedimiento de préstamo y el momento en que el ejemplar está disponible para ser retirado en préstamo]

Example: Document delivery is the average time between the moment a user starts with the necessary procedures to borrow a document and the moment the item is available at the issue desk.

» document delivery service (DDS) = servicio de suministro de documentos, servicio de entrega de documentos, servicio de petición de documentos, servicio de transferencia de documentos, servicio de préstamo de documentos. [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]

Example: Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.

» door-to-door delivery = reparto a domicilio, entrega a domicilio.

Example: Send flowers and gifts to the Philippines with same and next day door-to-door delivery.

» electronic document delivery (EDD) = difusión electrónica de documentos (DED). [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia en formato legible por máquina de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]

Example: However, despite the expanding contribution of online services and the impending impact of electronic document delivery (EDD), the printed word continues to have a major part to play in the transmission of EC information.

» home delivery = servicio a domicilio, reparto a domicilio, entrega a domicilio.

Example: This article reviews some of the Internet sites for food enthusiasts and gourmets, including sources for home delivery of pizzas.

» information delivery service = servicio de información.

Example: The six persons on the group represent libraries, abstracting and indexing services, publishing, and information delivery services.

» interlibrary loan document delivery = distribución de documentos de préstamo interbibliotecario.

Example: This article discusses the history of telefacsimile technology and the uses to which it can be put in libraries focusing on its impact on interlibrary loan document delivery.

» package delivery company = empresa de reparto de paquetes.

Example: The article 'Not resting on its laurels' provides a background to the work of Federal Express, a package delivery company awarded the 1990 Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award.

» postal delivery service = servicio postal.

Example: The 1st problem has been tackled by fax or postal delivery services offered by E-mail companies.

» proof of delivery = acuse de recibo.

Example: When you're in the business of delivering products, proof of delivery is critical to your payment processes.

» public delivery service = servicio de acceso público.

Example: Later phases will include data storage on optical disks, which will provide the capacity for a public delivery service.

» service delivery = prestación de servicios.

Example: This article describes stock selection, collections, staffing levels and service delivery in Western Australia public libraries.

» van delivery service = servicio de reparto con furgoneta.

Example: The needs of readers housebound by physical disability, or made immobile by increasing age, are met by a supply of reading material from a van delivery service.

delivery2 = parto. 

Example: Blood samples were collected from all subjects at delivery: 180 normal vaginal deliveries, 58 Caesarean sections, and 2 forceps-assisted deliveries.


» forceps-assisted delivery = parto con fórceps.

Example: Blood samples were collected from all subjects at delivery: 180 normal vaginal deliveries, 58 Caesarean sections, and 2 forceps-assisted deliveries.

» forceps delivery = parto con fórceps.

Example: Results show a significant relationship between schizophrenia and low birthweight and forceps delivery.

» premature delivery = parto prematuro.

Example: All children that are born before the 35th week after fertilization are considered to be premature deliveries.

» vaginal delivery = parto normal.

Example: Blood samples were collected from all subjects at delivery: 180 normal vaginal deliveries, 58 Caesarean sections, and 2 forceps-assisted deliveries.

delivery3 = presentación, estilo. 

Example: Just as delivery must be tuned to suit the kind of material chosen, so must the language used to tell a story.

Delivery synonyms

pitch in spanish: tono, pronunciation: pɪtʃ part of speech: noun speech in spanish: habla, pronunciation: spitʃ part of speech: noun livery in spanish: librea, pronunciation: lɪvɜri part of speech: noun rescue in spanish: rescate, pronunciation: reskju part of speech: noun, verb deliverance in spanish: liberación, pronunciation: dɪlɪvɜrəns part of speech: noun saving in spanish: ahorro, pronunciation: seɪvɪŋ part of speech: noun bringing in spanish: trayendo, pronunciation: brɪŋɪŋ part of speech: noun manner of speaking in spanish: Manera de hablar, pronunciation: mænɜrʌvspikɪŋ part of speech: noun legal transfer in spanish: transferencia legal, pronunciation: ligəltrænsfɜr part of speech: noun obstetrical delivery in spanish: parto obstétrico, pronunciation: əbstetrɪkəldɪlɪvɜri part of speech: noun
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