Deliver in spanish


pronunciation: entɹ̩egɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

deliver1 = entregar, repartir, enviar. 

Example: You do not want to try and clear the building, thinking it is a fire when it is just somebody trying to deliver a parcel of books to the back door.


» deliver + a charge = instruir una diligencia.

Example: Make an added entry under the heading for the judge delivering the charge.

» deliver + a death blow = asestar un golpe mortal, dar el golpe de muerte, dar el puntillazo, dar la puntilla, dar el golpe de gracia.

Example: Lebanon is in such turmoil that war at the present time would deliver a death blow to the economy.

» deliver + a document = enviar un documento, servir un documento.

Example: Normally the claim category assigned to the vendor is left unchanged, since it reflects the time that vendor requires to deliver documents.

» deliver + a killer blow = asestar un golpe mortal, dar el golpe de muerte, dar el puntillazo, dar la puntilla, dar el golpe de gracia.

Example: Some of these remedies would undoubtedly have delivered a killer blow to the parasites in a horse's gut, but unfortunately harmed the horse in the process.

» deliver + a lecture = dar una conferencia, pronunciar una conferencia.

Example: The author gives random impressions of his 16-day whistle-stop lecture tour in India during which he visited 37 libraries, library schools, universities, and other institutions and delivered 16 lectures.

» deliver + Posesivo + message = transmitir un mensaje.

Example: Speech bubbles are a good way to help your document deliver its message.

» deliver + Posesivo + promise = cumplir (con) + Posesivo + promesa, cumplir (con) lo prometido.

Example: Its not that he fails to deliver his promises, people just take them and blow them out of proportion, and then get disappointed.

deliver2 = ofrecer, producir, presentar. 

Example: The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.


» deliver + an oration = pronunciar un discurso.

Example: He was surprised that he couldn't find the earlier editions, which he expected certainly must be someplace because that book was based on an oration delivered by Emerson in the 1830s.

» deliver + a paper = presentar una comunicación.

Example: This is a paper delivered at a seminar of the Orange Free State Branch of the South African Society of Archivists on 11 Feb 85.

» deliver + a service = prestar un servicio.

Example: The library concentrates more on the provision of information and less on personal counselling, advice giving, or delivering a tangible service.

» deliver + a speech = pronunciar un discurso.

Example: 'If a work written by one person for another person to present as his own is never so presented (e.g. a ghost-written speech that was never delivered by the other person or published under his name), enter it under the person who wrote it'.

» deliver + a talk = dar una conferencia.

Example: Sometimes authors write 'pseudo abstracts' to meet deadlines for articles or for talks to be delivered.

» deliver + clout = ejercer influencia.

Example: This article discusses how librarians can slay these dragons by banding together to deliver more clout.

» deliver + relief = aliviar.

Example: Products containing orange peel extract deliver relief from occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach.

» deliver + the coup de grace = asestar el golpe de gracia, dar el golpe de gracia.

Example: By then the church was in ruins and Apaches delivered the coup de grâce by torching its remaining timbers and other wooden elements.

» deliver + the goods = cumplir lo prometido, estar a la altura de las circunstancias.

Example: The article is entitled 'Canadian librarians explore ways to deliver the goods in tough times'.

» deliver + value = dar calidad, prestar un servicio.

Example: Customers see no clear relationship between the price of an on-line information service and the value it delivers.

deliver3 = dar a luz. 

Example: I don't like to dampen her enthusiasm, but the chances are she will deliver at 20 weeks.

Deliver synonyms

bear in spanish: oso, pronunciation: ber part of speech: verb, noun have in spanish: tener, pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb present in spanish: presente, pronunciation: prezənt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb render in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: rendɜr part of speech: verb return in spanish: regreso, pronunciation: rɪtɜrn part of speech: noun, verb redeem in spanish: redimir, pronunciation: rɪdim part of speech: verb save in spanish: salvar, pronunciation: seɪv part of speech: verb cede in spanish: ceder, pronunciation: sid part of speech: verb birth in spanish: nacimiento, pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun surrender in spanish: Rendición, pronunciation: sɜrendɜr part of speech: noun, verb relieve in spanish: aliviar, pronunciation: rɪliv part of speech: verb rescue in spanish: rescate, pronunciation: reskju part of speech: noun, verb give up in spanish: rendirse, pronunciation: gɪvʌp part of speech: verb deport in spanish: deportar, pronunciation: dɪpɔrt part of speech: verb extradite in spanish: extraditar, pronunciation: ekstrədaɪt part of speech: verb hand over in spanish: entregar, pronunciation: hændoʊvɜr part of speech: verb turn in in spanish: entregar, pronunciation: tɜrnɪn part of speech: verb get in in spanish: Entra, pronunciation: getɪn part of speech: verb birthe in spanish: nacimiento, pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun give birth in spanish: dar a luz, pronunciation: gɪvbɜrθ part of speech: verb
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