Delicate in spanish


pronunciation: delikɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

delicate = delicado, cuidadoso, difícil. 

Example: Despite the incompetence of most eighteenth-century block-makers, woodcuts never quite disappeared, and they returned to favour in the delicate form called 'wood-engraving' at the end of the hand-press period.


» delicate skin = piel delicada.

Example: Go easy on cosmetics -- individuals who have delicate skin must be extremely careful when purchasing and applying cosmetics.

» indelicate = indiscreto, indelicado, poco decoroso, descortés, falto de tacto.

Example: While there is no excusing some of the indelicate things she said, there was a kindness to Marge that made her a woman of the people.

» tread + a delicate line between ... and = estar a caballo entre... y..., intentar encontrar un término medio entre... y....

Example: Juxtaposing harrowing scenes of a family in grief with high comedy, this film does not so much tread a delicate line between these two modes as career wildly between them like a drunken mourner.

Delicate synonyms

tender in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: tendɜr part of speech: noun, adjective subtle in spanish: sutil, pronunciation: sʌtəl part of speech: adjective fine in spanish: multa, pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective ethereal in spanish: etéreo, pronunciation: ɪθɪriəl part of speech: adjective hard in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective exquisite in spanish: Exquisito, pronunciation: ekskwəzət part of speech: adjective sensitive in spanish: sensible, pronunciation: sensətɪv part of speech: adjective soft in spanish: suave, pronunciation: sɑft part of speech: adjective difficult in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: dɪfəkəlt part of speech: adjective fragile in spanish: frágil, pronunciation: frædʒəl part of speech: adjective gossamer in spanish: telaraña, pronunciation: gɑsəmɜr part of speech: noun, adjective frail in spanish: frágil, pronunciation: freɪl part of speech: adjective dainty in spanish: delicado, pronunciation: deɪnti part of speech: adjective refined in spanish: refinado, pronunciation: rəfaɪnd part of speech: adjective pastel in spanish: pastel, pronunciation: pæstel part of speech: noun, adjective skilled in spanish: experto, pronunciation: skɪld part of speech: adjective ticklish in spanish: cosquilloso, pronunciation: tɪkəlɪʃ part of speech: adjective finespun in spanish: finpun, pronunciation: fɪnspən part of speech: adjective breakable in spanish: quebradizo, pronunciation: breɪkəbəl part of speech: adjective half-hardy in spanish: medio resistente, pronunciation: hæfhɑrdi part of speech: adjective light-handed in spanish: manos ligeras, pronunciation: laɪthændɪd part of speech: adjective untoughened in spanish: endurecido, pronunciation: əntəgeɪnd part of speech: adjective overdelicate in spanish: exceso de entrega, pronunciation: oʊvɜrdeləkət part of speech: adjective

Delicate antonyms

rugged pronunciation: rʌgəd part of speech: adjective
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