Delegate in spanish


pronunciation: delegɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

delegate1 = delegado. 

Example: The discussions, debates, submissions and decisions of conferences are often printed and circulated to delegates and made available to other interested parties.


» House of Delegates = Cámara de Delegados.

Example: Could the USA end up with a House of Delegates rather than a House of Representatives?.

delegate2 = delegar. 

Example: Alternatively, subcategorization can be delegated to another individual experienced in the subject field.


» delegate + a decision = delegar una decisión.

Example: The librarian should delegate as many decisions as possible to the level of authority qualified and most interested in handling the problem.

» delegate + a matter = delegar un asunto.

Example: They've delegated the matter to us.

» delegate + an operation = delegar una tarea.

Example: There exist punched-card machines in which separate operations are usually delegated to a series of machines.

» delegate + authority = delegar autoridad.

Example: His autocracy is manifested by his unwillingness and inability to delegate responsibility and authority.

» delegate + power = delegar potestad.

Example: One of the main proposals of the Act is local management of schools which delegates power and resources from the local education authorities (LEA) to individual schools.

» delegate + resources = delegar recursos.

Example: One of the main proposals of the Act is local management of schools which delegates power and resources from the local education authorities (LEA) to individual schools.

» delegate + responsibility = delegar responsabilidad.

Example: His autocracy is manifested by his unwillingness and inability to delegate responsibility and authority.

Delegate synonyms

assign in spanish: asignar, pronunciation: əsaɪn part of speech: verb designate in spanish: designado, pronunciation: dezəgneɪt part of speech: verb depute in spanish: diputar, pronunciation: dɪpjut part of speech: verb
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