Delayed in spanish


pronunciation: retɹ̩ɑsɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

delay2 = demorar, retrasar, atrasar, posponer. 

Example: It would be wise to delay reading these until you have had some experience in using the scheme.

delayed = retrasado, demorado, retardado. 

Example: Puberty is consider delayed if it occurs after the age of 13 years in girls and 14 years in boys.


» delayed gratification = gratificación demorada.

Example: The research we have on delayed gratification tells us that differences in self-control skills are deeply rooted but also malleable.

» delayed puberty = retraso de la pubertad, retraso en la pubertad, pubertad retrasada.

Example: Proper treatment and better control of many of these conditions can help make delayed puberty less likely to occur.

Delayed synonyms

deferred in spanish: diferido, pronunciation: dɪfɜrd part of speech: adjective inactive in spanish: inactivo, pronunciation: ɪnæktɪv part of speech: adjective suspended in spanish: suspendido, pronunciation: səspendəd part of speech: adjective retarded in spanish: retrasado, pronunciation: rɪtɑrdɪd part of speech: adjective postponed in spanish: pospuesto, pronunciation: poʊstpoʊnd part of speech: adjective abeyant in spanish: abeyante, pronunciation: əbaɪənt part of speech: adjective delayed-action in spanish: acción retardada, pronunciation: dɪleɪdækʃən part of speech: adjective

Delayed antonyms

expedited pronunciation: ekspɪdaɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
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