Delay in spanish


pronunciation: retɹ̩ɑsɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

delay1 = demora, retraso, atraso, dilación. 

Example: If there are excessive delays in the record becoming available, and long delays become a common phenomenon, the librarian who is anxious to make new stock available for the user as soon as possible will resort to local cataloguing.


» delivery delay = retraso del envío.

Example: Due to normal publication and delivery delays, a periodical is seldom received on the day of its cover date.

» encounter + a delay = sufrir un retraso.

Example: Even though both projects are building of the Cornell software and experience, they have encountered the usual delays associated with new technologies, so no significant information is available at this time.

» tarmac delay = espera en la pista de despegue, demora en la pista de despegue, espera en la pista de aterrizaje, demora en la pista de aterrizaje.

Example: Airlines reported a total of 7 tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights and 11 tarmac delays of more than four hours on international flights.

» time-delay = demora.

Example: Although the entry time-delay for US publications is about 7 months, priority publications are nearly current.

» without delay = sin demora.

Example: A National Library Commission, on a par with the National University Commission, should be set up without delay as a coordinating body.

delay2 = demorar, retrasar, atrasar, posponer. 

Example: It would be wise to delay reading these until you have had some experience in using the scheme.

Delay synonyms

hold in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun stay in spanish: permanecer, pronunciation: steɪ part of speech: verb wait in spanish: Espere, pronunciation: weɪt part of speech: verb detain in spanish: detener, pronunciation: dɪteɪn part of speech: verb detention in spanish: detención, pronunciation: dɪtenʃən part of speech: noun hold up in spanish: Sostener, pronunciation: hoʊldʌp part of speech: verb holdup in spanish: Sostener, pronunciation: hoʊldəp part of speech: noun postponement in spanish: aplazamiento, pronunciation: poʊstpoʊnmənt part of speech: noun time lag in spanish: lapso de tiempo, pronunciation: taɪmlæg part of speech: noun

Delay antonyms

rush pronunciation: rʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb hurry pronunciation: hɜri part of speech: noun, verb
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