Deity in spanish


pronunciation: deidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

deity = deidad, dios. 

Example: Exhibits consisted of bronzes of Tibetan deities and famous Lamas, and ritual objects such as mirrors, flasks, fly whisks, and seals.


» worship + a deity = adorar una deidad, adorar un dios .

Example: Culture may mean an acquaintance with the ways in which a particular people construct buildings, manufacture artifacts, worship deities, make war and love, raise children, and live with one another.

Deity synonyms

god in spanish: Dios, pronunciation: gɑd part of speech: noun immortal in spanish: inmortal, pronunciation: ɪmɔrtəl part of speech: adjective divinity in spanish: divinidad, pronunciation: dɪvɪnəti part of speech: noun
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