Degree in spanish

La licenciatura

pronunciation: lɑliθenθiɑtuɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

degree1 = grado. 

Example: In cartography reference system is the method by which one can locate a place on a map, eg (a) degrees of latitude and longitude; (b) a grid reference.


» by degrees = paulatinamente, poco a poco, gradualmente.

Example: Dementia is a heart-rending process to witness, watching somebody vanish by degrees in this way, seeing them losing all recognition for the people they've loved for their entire lives.

» degree centigrade (ºC) = grado centígrado (ºC).

Example: These figures are based on UK climate where the winter external temperature is about -1ºC (degree centigrade).

» in varying degrees = en diferente grado, en distinto grado, en distinta medida, en diferente medida.

Example: In varying degrees we all have a tendency to prejudge at one time or another.

» move + 180 degrees = girar 180 grados.

Example: By focusing on the client, the library moves 180 degrees from the outdated approach to service.

» second-degree = de segundo grado.

Example: The next morning I wasn't sore at all (since I had taken it easy) but both Jason and I had second-degree sun and wind burns.

» third-degree = de tercer grado, en tercer grado.

Example: There are three primary types of burns: first-, second-, and third-degree.

degree2 = titulación, título, grado. 

Example: A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.


» academic degree = título académico.

Example: All the programmes take place at universities or similar institutions and lead to an academic degree.

» advanced degree = título superior.

Example: Women have risen to top positions in South Africa library and information services partly due to their obtaining advanced degrees.

» baccalaureate degree = diplomatura.

Example: This allows full-time students to finish their baccalaureate degrees in 3 years.

» bachelor's degree = diplomatura, grado.

Example: He received his bachelor's degree from UCLA and a master's degree in librarianship from Catholic University.

» B.A. degree = diplomatura en humanidades.

Example: Mr. Bierman received his B.A. degree from Hanover College, Hanover, Indiana and an M.L.S. from the University of Oklahoma, Norman.

» B.Sc. degree (Bachelor of Science) = diplomatura (en ciencias).

Example: There are more than 20 LIS schools in the Arab world and they grant diplomas, B.Sc. degrees, Master degrees and Ph.D.

» certificate and degree programs = titulaciones.

Example: Currently, the university offers 30 online certificate and degree programs and has an enrolment of approximately 5,900 students dispersed in all 50 states of the USA.

» college degree = titulación universitaria, título universitario, carrera universitaria.

Example: A college degree translates into $20000 more in earnings per year and remains the goal nearly all parents set for their children.

» confer + a degree = otorgar un título.

Example: Doctor's degrees in library science in Yugoslavia have been conferred in the University of Belgrade.

» degree course = titulación.

Example: This is the first degree course for library technicians offered in Australia.

» degree programme = titulación universitaria, carrera universitaria.

Example: Faculty are developing new courses and even degree programs that are competing for students across the country who are willing to learn in a distributed environment.

» doctoral degree = título de doctor.

Example: The possession of a doctoral degree and the occupation of college or university educator are very likely to be colinear variables.

» doctoral degree programme = programa de doctorado.

Example: This largish university has more than 20,000 students and offers over 200 undergraduate majors, over 100 master's degree options, and 17 doctoral degree programmes.

» doctoral honorary degree = doctor honoris causa.

Example: The recipient of an honorary doctoral degree must exhibit a career of extraordinary and lasting distinction that serves as an inspiration to students and an indication of values that are esteemed by the university.

» doctor's degree = título de doctor.

Example: Doctor's degrees in library science in Yugoslavia have been conferred in the University of Belgrade.

» earn + a degree = obtener un título, hacer una carrera.

Example: Paying for college can be one of the toughest parts of earning your degree -- but it doesn't have to be.

» first class degree = expediente de matrícula de honor.

Example: After gaining a first class degree en English from Queen's University, Belfast, he lectured there from 1966 until 1972.

» first degree = diplomatura.

Example: Many of these latter types of courses are intended to serve as conversion or re-orientation courses for people with first degree in related subject areas.

» formal degree programme = titulación formal.

Example: This article looks at formal degree programmes, certification, the changing needs of medical librarianship regarding continuing education, and lifelong learning.

» gain + a degree in = obtener un título, titularse en.

Example: There is no opportunity to gain a degree in library science, and no coordination of courses.

» graduate degree = licenciatura.

Example: The minimum professional qualifications in archaeology are a graduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, or a closely related field.

» hold + a degree = poseer un título.

Example: When the professional characteristics are compared, the only notable difference is that a greater portion of males hold a second master's degree.

» honorary degree = título honoris causa.

Example: Some universities have been accused of granting honorary degrees in exchange for large donations.

» honours degree = diplomatura.

Example: This paper describes the new honours degree in Applied Social Studies at the Polytechnic of North London.

» library degree = titulación en biblioteconomía y documentación.

Example: Ms. Hinton received her library degree from the University of North Carolina after getting her bachelor's from the Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Georgia.

» library science degree = titulación en biblioteconomía y documentación.

Example: He says the library science degree is a racket; that there's nothing taught in library school that can't be better learned on the job.

» master degree = licenciatura.

Example: There are more than 20 LIS schools in the Arab world and they grant diplomas, B.Sc. degrees, master degrees and Ph.D.

» master's degree = licenciatura.

Example: Bernadine Abbott Hoduski received her bachelor's degree from St. Theresa of Avila College and her master's degree in library science from the University of Denver.

» medical degree = título de medicina, titulación de medicina.

Example: She didn't need a medical degree to know that his life was fading fast, and she was out of time to really get to know her father.

» professional degree = título profesional, título académico.

Example: A good professional degree teaches not only the skills required for the job, but also the principles upon which to grow and develop on the job.

» receive + degree = obtener titulación.

Example: Having devoted herself to medical librarianship in her elective course work, she hoped when she received her degree to put her knowledge to work at a university medical school.

» sandwich degree = titulación compuesta de clases y prácticas en empresas.

Example: The objective is to obtain quantitative and qualitative information on the patterns of careers followed by students who graduated from a 4 year sandwich degree in librarianship.

» sub-degree [subdegree] = inferior al título.

Example: At the first and sub-degree level only a few employ the term 'information technology' as a whole or part programme title.

» undergraduate degree = diplomatura.

Example: Political science was the most popular undergraduate degree for lawyers working in all sectors, followed either by education or arts and letters.

» university degree = título universitario, titulación universitaria.

Example: They have been called agents of the US government or non-librarians because they do not have university degrees.

» vocational degree = título de formación profesional.

Example: This scholarship is only for women over 35 years old from low-income households who are pursuing a first undergraduate or vocational degree.

degree3 = grado, nivel, tipo, tamaño, cantidad. 

Example: This degree of standardisation is not the pattern outside of this specific area of application.


» a degree of = cierto grado de.

Example: Libarians must help teenagers develop socially sensitive attitudes and attain a degree of socially responsible behavior.

» a large degree of = una gran cantidad de.

Example: The floor is carpeted, thus providing a large degree of acoustic absorption and a unifying and dominant colour pattern through the library.

» degree of detail = grado de precisión.

Example: However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.

» degree of fit = grado de adecuación.

Example: This article highlights bibliometrically the degree of fit between the national research effort and the social aim of agriculture, (to prevent hunger and poverty).

» degree of skepticism = grado de escepticismo.

Example: However, this means that 4 in every 10 employers are looking at online degrees with some degree of skepticism.

» degree of use = nivel de utilización. [En evaluación de servicios, relación entre el porcentaje de circulación de una materia, su proporción del volumen anual de adquisiciones y la proporción del gasto anual dedicado a ella]

Example: Degree of use is the relation between a subject's proportion of the circulation, its proportion of the annual intake, and the proportion of the annual budget spent of the subject.

» differ in + degree = diferir en cantidad.

Example: But the situation in the machine-press period differed chiefly in degree, not in kind.

» in the first degree = de primer grado.

Example: Stroud was convicted in May, 1916, of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to be hanged.

» in the second degree = de segundo grado.

Example: Making a false statement in this sworn affidavit will be punishable under the criminal laws of Colorado as perjury in the second degree.

» in the third degree = en tercer grado.

Example: A person is guilty of perjury in the third degree when he swears falsely as in an affidavit.

» to a + Adjetivo + degree = de un modo + Adjetivo.

Example: In other words, the information supplied in the document matches, to an acceptable degree, the information demanded by the user.

» to a great degree = en gran medida, en gran parte.

Example: To a great degree, it is the faculty that make the Stanford psychology program so reputable.

» to a greater degree = en mayor grado, en mayor medida.

Example: Violence is found to a greater degree in males with tattoos and females with body piercings.

» to a greater or lesser degree = en mayor o menor grado.

Example: Nevertheless any nation is inevitably made up of a number of smaller regions, each with its own culture to a greater or lesser degree.

» to a high degree = en gran medida.

Example: UDC recognizes, to a high degree, the value of synthesis in classification.

» to a large degree = en gran medida.

Example: To a large degree, the image an institution creates is determined by the leader who is the directing force of that institution.

» to a larger degree = en mayor grado, en mayor medida.

Example: The Arab-Israeli conflict is, to a larger degree, a result of British mismanagement of the nationalistic ideals of both the Jews and the Arabs.

» to a lesser degree = en menor grado.

Example: Xworld is a good communications package that is most suitable for users interested in sending and receiving binary files, and to a lesser degree text files.

» to any great degree = mucho, en gran medida.

Example: Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers -- the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.

» to some degree = en cierto sentido, en cierta medida, en cierto modo, hasta cierto punto.

Example: All successful managers are autocratic to some degree.

» to the degree that = en la medida en que, si.

Example: To the degree that this argument is true, it paints a rather pessimistic picture of the quality of much published research.

» to varying degrees = en diverso grado, en distinto grado.

Example: Printed indexes that incorporate to varying degrees the principles of pre-coordinate indexing are to be found in abstracting and indexing journals, national bibliographies, and indexes to journals, to name but a few examples.

Degree synonyms

point in spanish: punto, pronunciation: pɔɪnt part of speech: noun level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun stage in spanish: escenario, pronunciation: steɪdʒ part of speech: noun grade in spanish: grado, pronunciation: greɪd part of speech: noun academic degree in spanish: titulo academico, pronunciation: ækədemɪkdɪgri part of speech: noun arcdegree in spanish: grado de arco, pronunciation: ɑrkdɪgri part of speech: noun
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