Degrading in spanish


pronunciation: degɹ̩ɑdɑnte part of speech: adjective
In gestures

degrade1 = degradar, humillar. 

Example: In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.

degrade2 = degradarse. 

Example: Today's sewage nutrients, dyes and toxic or malodorous substances which can be degraded only with difficulty or very slowly.

degrading = degradante, denigrante, deshonroso. 

Example: A sham catalog is a disservice to the user, and participating in the creation of a sham catalog is personally degrading to a professional.

Degrading synonyms

noxious in spanish: nocivo, pronunciation: nɑkʃəs part of speech: adjective harmful in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: hɑrmfəl part of speech: adjective dishonorable in spanish: deshonroso, pronunciation: dɪsɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective debasing in spanish: degradante, pronunciation: dɪbeɪsɪŋ part of speech: adjective dishonourable in spanish: deshonroso, pronunciation: dɪʃɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective corrupting in spanish: corrompiendo, pronunciation: kɜrʌptɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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