Defy in spanish


pronunciation: desɑfiɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

defy = resistir, desafiar, presentar un reto, retar. 

Example: Some categories of material defy helpful categorisation, and need to be treated as special cases.


» defy + all logic = desafiar toda lógica.

Example: Those are the drivers who do things that beggar explanation or, at least, require an explanation that defies all logic.

» defy + belief = parecer increíble, resultar increíble, ser muy difícil de creer, no poderse creer, ser increíble, ser inimaginable.

Example: The bigoted attitude adopted by the author defies belief and his hatred of drug users is so deep that he wishes them dead.

» defy + description = ser indescriptible, resultar indescriptible, no haber palabras para describirlo, ser muy difícil de describir, ser de difícil descripción.

Example: This is a work that often defies description, but I'll have a go anyway.

» defy + explanation = ser muy difícil de explicar, ser de difícil explicación, ser inexplicable.

Example: It is an act of cruelty that seems to defy explanation.

» defy + gravity = desafiar la gravedad.

Example: Four performers tied to bungees swing, droop and fly in the air in ways that defy gravity.

» defy + the odds = ir contra todo pronóstico, ir contra todos los pronósticos.

Example: Maybe we can defy the odds and make something happen but it's going to be very, very tough.

» defy + translation = ser muy difícil de traducir, ser de difícil traducción.

Example: One can say he is a good human being, but there is a Yiddish word that defies translation and says it better, he is a mensch.

Defy synonyms

hold in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun withstand in spanish: resistir a, pronunciation: wɪθstænd part of speech: verb dare in spanish: atrevimiento, pronunciation: der part of speech: verb refuse in spanish: desperdicios, pronunciation: rəfjuz part of speech: verb, noun resist in spanish: resistirse, pronunciation: rɪzɪst part of speech: verb hold up in spanish: Sostener, pronunciation: hoʊldʌp part of speech: verb

Defy antonyms

apply pronunciation: əplaɪ part of speech: verb lend oneself pronunciation: lendwənself part of speech: verb
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