Deflect in spanish


pronunciation: kɑmbiɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

deflect1 = girar, desviar, deformarse, doblarse. 

Example: On deflecting one of these levers to the right he runs through the book before him, each page in turn being projected at a speed which just allows a recognizing glance at each.


» deflect + attention from = hacer que no se le preste atención a.

Example: The injection of foreign ownership into the debate over the privatisation of federal agencies has deflected attention from critical domestic concerns of economic efficiency and operational optimisation.

deflect2 = evitar, eludir. 

Example: Questions such as 'Can I help you?' on the part of the librarian are easily deflected by a hasty, perhaps automatic and ill-considered, 'Oh, no thanks' by the user.

Deflect synonyms

bend in spanish: curva, pronunciation: bend part of speech: noun, verb block in spanish: bloquear, pronunciation: blɑk part of speech: noun obviate in spanish: obviar, pronunciation: ɑbvieɪt part of speech: verb avoid in spanish: evitar, pronunciation: əvɔɪd part of speech: verb avert in spanish: evitar, pronunciation: əvɜrt part of speech: verb deviate in spanish: desviarse, pronunciation: divieɪt part of speech: verb distract in spanish: distraer, pronunciation: dɪstrækt part of speech: verb parry in spanish: parar, pronunciation: peri part of speech: noun debar in spanish: excluir, pronunciation: debɑr part of speech: verb stave off in spanish: evitar, pronunciation: steɪvɔf part of speech: verb ward off in spanish: alejar, pronunciation: wɔrdɔf part of speech: verb fend off in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: fendɔf part of speech: verb head off in spanish: atajar, pronunciation: hedɔf part of speech: verb turn away in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: tɜrnəweɪ part of speech: verb draw away in spanish: alejarse, pronunciation: drɔəweɪ part of speech: verb
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