Definitely in spanish


pronunciation: seguɹ̩oʊ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

definitely = definitivamente. 

Example: Cutter argued that when it could be established that the second term was definitely more significant then inversion of headings was acceptable.


» most definitely = indudablemente.

Example: Your answer is most definitely wrong.

Definitely synonyms

emphatically in spanish: enfáticamente, pronunciation: emfætɪkli part of speech: adverb decidedly in spanish: decididamente, pronunciation: dɪsaɪdədli part of speech: adverb unquestionably in spanish: indiscutiblemente, pronunciation: ənkwestʃənəbli part of speech: adverb by all odds in spanish: ciertamente, pronunciation: baɪɔlɑdz part of speech: adverb
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