Defile in spanish


pronunciation: desfilɑdeɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

defile1 = desfiladero. 

Example: His provisions, likewise, were nearly exhausted, while his pack animals were struggling along the defile in his rear exposed to the depredations of the French troops.

defile2 = profanar, deshonrar, envilecer, ensuciar, contaminar. 

Example: No person shall throw any waste, building debris or vehicle scrap into the public domain or defile the public domain.

Defile synonyms

cloud in spanish: nube, pronunciation: klaʊd part of speech: noun foul in spanish: falta, pronunciation: faʊl part of speech: adjective corrupt in spanish: corrupto, pronunciation: kɜrʌpt part of speech: adjective gorge in spanish: garganta, pronunciation: gɔrdʒ part of speech: noun taint in spanish: mancha, pronunciation: teɪnt part of speech: noun, verb sully in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: sʌli part of speech: noun tarnish in spanish: deslustre, pronunciation: tɑrnɪʃ part of speech: verb, noun befoul in spanish: ensuciar, pronunciation: bɪfʊl part of speech: verb maculate in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: mækjəleɪt part of speech: adjective
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