Defend in spanish


pronunciation: defendeɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

defend = defender, abogar, propugnar. 

Example: A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.


» defend + interests = defender los intereses.

Example: Librarians must defend the interests of the information poor.

» defend + Posesivo + honour = defender el honor de Uno.

Example: Southerners are more prone to violence in situations culturally defined as requiring a violent response, such as righting a wrong or defending one's honor.

» defend + Posesivo + principles = defender + Posesivo + principios.

Example: She has put her head on the block in defending her principles, which she insists her staff must also abide by.

» defend + Posesivo + title = defender + Posesivo + título.

Example: He has became the third athlete to successfully defend their title after a runaway victory around a loop course in the city streets of Daegu.

» defend + the indefensible = defender lo indenfensible.

Example: The article is entitled 'Defending the indefensible: the limits of intellectual freedom'.

» fight + tooth and nail to defend = luchar a brazo partido para defender, defender a toda ultranza, defender como gato panza arriba, defender a capa y espada, defender con uñas y dientes.

Example: I know folk are very passionate about politics and can fight tooth and nail to defend their particular ideological stance.

Defend synonyms

hold in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun support in spanish: apoyo, pronunciation: səpɔrt part of speech: noun, verb guard in spanish: Guardia, pronunciation: gɑrd part of speech: noun, verb fight in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: faɪt part of speech: verb, noun maintain in spanish: mantener, pronunciation: meɪnteɪn part of speech: verb represent in spanish: representar, pronunciation: reprəzent part of speech: verb champion in spanish: campeón, pronunciation: tʃæmpiən part of speech: noun oppose in spanish: oponerse a, pronunciation: əpoʊz part of speech: verb fight back in spanish: luchar, pronunciation: faɪtbæk part of speech: verb fend for in spanish: valerse por, pronunciation: fendfɔr part of speech: verb fight down in spanish: reprimir, pronunciation: faɪtdaʊn part of speech: verb

Defend antonyms

attack pronunciation: ətæk part of speech: noun, verb assail pronunciation: əseɪl part of speech: verb prosecute pronunciation: prɑsəkjut part of speech: verb
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