Defence in spanish


pronunciation: defensɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

defence [defense, -USA] = defensa. 

Example: The only defense that Panizzi was able to muster in this case was to cite the authorities instead of the reasons he followed.


» air defence = defensa aérea, defensa antiaérea.

Example: During the last years of the Great War, sound detectors played an increasingly important part in the air defences of all the belligerents.

» air defence system = sistema de defensa aérea, sistema de defensa antiaérea.

Example: It will be difficult for an air invasion because the Russian air defense system is considered the best air defense system in the world.

» attack is the best form of defence = el ataque es la mejor defensa.

Example: If attack is the best form of defence, then the US military establishment is on the warpath in cyberspace.

» biodefence [biodefense, -USA] = defensa bioquímica, biodefensa.

Example: The article 'From bioweapon to biodefense' reports on a pilot scientometric project whose goal was to trace changes in biodefence research and the activities of its main players, Russia and the USA.

» biodefence [biodefense, -USA] = defensa bioquímica, biodefensa.

Example: The article 'From bioweapon to biodefense' reports on a pilot scientometric project whose goal was to trace changes in biodefence research and the activities of its main players, Russia and the USA.

» coastal defence = defensa costera, fortificación costera.

Example: The article deals with the role of the coastal defence system in coastal navigation.

» cyberdefence = ciberdefensa.

Example: These special cases should be the object of specific studies and the resulting measures should be submitted to the cyberdefence authority for approval

» defence attorney [defense attorney, -USA] = abogado defensor.

Example: Harris' defence attorney attempted to portray her as an upstanding, well-bred member of the community, and as a powerless, unwilling part of a love triangle.

» defence counsel = abogado defensor.

Example: The prosecutor and the defense counsel shall be permitted to submit proposed questions to the court prior to the session in chambers.

» defence forces, the = fuerzas de defensa, las; fuerzas defensivas, las.

Example: As per estimates, the demand for armoured vehicles in the defence forces is pegged at about 2000 vehicles per year.

» defence industry, the [defense industry, -USA] = industria de defensa, la.

Example: 'Aerospace Online' is a network of aerospace intelligence databases providing current, historical and forecast information on the aerospace/defence industry = "Aerospace Online" es una red de bases de datos con información confidencial sobre el espacio que ofrece información actual, histórica y de pronóstico sobre la industria aeroespacial y de defensa.

» defence line = línea defensiva.

Example: Fortresses and defence lines were used to protect as much territory as possible.

» defence mechanism [defense mechanism, -USA] = mecanismo de defensa.

Example: According to these results, it is suggested that both chemicals examined could damage hemocytes and further influence the defense mechanism of prawns = De acuerdo con estos resultados, se sugiere que ambos productos químicos examinados podrían dañar a los hemocitos y además influir en el mecanismo de defensa de las gambas.

» defence minister = ministro de defensa, secretario de defensa.

Example: Defence Minister Ehud Barak has called on the Prime Minister to stand down over corruption allegations.

» defence spending = gastos de defensa, gasto en defensa.

Example: Pakistan's government jacked up defence spending in a new budget Friday that set a deficit of four per cent of GDP.

» defence strategy = estrategia de defensa.

Example: Safety in numbers serves as a defense strategy in many organisms, as aggregation can reduce the probability of predation for individual group members.

» defence system = sistema defensivo, sistema de defensa.

Example: It was part of an artificial defense system, a buffer zone to slow down enemy incursions.

» dissertation defence = defensa de tesis.

Example: This paper attempts to deal with these issues by means of an in-depth analysis of the tape recorded transcripts of a dissertation defense.

» dissertation defence committee = tribunal de tesis.

Example: At the end of your coursework, you will be required to complete a dissertation, which will be defended before a Dissertation Defense Committee.

» doctoral dissertation defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: The doctoral dissertation defense tests the candidate's ability to communicate the specific research project and its implications to a broad scholarly audience.

» doctoral dissertation defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: The doctoral dissertation defense committeeº is comprised of a minimum of four and a maximum of seven members.

» doctoral thesis defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: Students enrolled in the program will have to complete a doctoral thesis as well as a doctoral thesis defense.

» doctoral thesis defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: I would also like to thank all examiners from my doctoral thesis defence committee for their invaluable comments.

» drop + Posesivo + defences = bajar las defensas, bajar la guardia, bajar los brazos.

Example: Now he has dropped his defences AJ walks around his old stamping ground without fear.

» first line of defence = primera línea de defensa, la.

Example: The obvious first line of defence is for librarians, agents and journal publishers to join forces to point up the decline in library provision.

» in defence of = en defensa de.

Example: He is known for his work both as a poet, essayist and as a teacher, as well as for his polemical outspokenness, especially in defence of Zionism.

» in self-defence = en defensa propia.

Example: It is not wise, by the way, to approach the author by telephone for this puts him on the spot and he may refuse simply in self-defense and especially if you happen to butt in when he is struggling with an obstinate chapter in a new book.

» last line of defence, the = última línea de defensa, la; última línea defensiva, la.

Example: These tank traps were the last line of defence against an enemy sea invasion of the coast during World War II.

» line of defence = línea de defensa, línea defensiva, medida defensiva.

Example: Lines of defence include the protection of the boot process with keyboard modification to disable any keys that can be used to interrupt the boot process.

» lower + Posesivo + defences = bajar las defensas, bajar la guardia, bajar los brazos.

Example: Medieval physicians thought that an old man's blood became dry and cold -- a state which lowered his defences and increased the risk of infection.

» maritime defences = defensas marítimas.

Example: Britain's maritime defences are not properly resourced or co-ordinated to deal with the threat of terrorist attack, MPs has warned.

» Ministry of Defence (MOD) = Ministerio de Defensa.

Example: The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Defense and Aviation, which contracts for management of military hospitals, responded to the libraries' needs for more complete and extensive journal holdings.

» missile defence = defensa con misiles.

Example: President Bush has begun in earnest his sales pitch to America and the rest of the world for missile defence.

» mount + a defence = defender, preparar una defensa.

Example: The author mounts a spirited defence of the National Library of Australia future collecting priorities.

» muster + defense = alegar defensa.

Example: The only defense that Panizzi was able to muster in this case was to cite the authorities instead of the reasons he followed.

» national defence = defensa nacional.

Example: This project was undertaken to see which resources were available in Canadian public libraries on the general issues of world peace, nuclear disarmament, the arms race, the nuclear threat, national defence policy.

» natural defences = defensas naturales.

Example: Various responses to stress can damage the body's natural defences against disease.

» PhD dissertation defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: It is normal to be anxious before you have to face your PhD dissertation defense session.

» PhD dissertation defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: The PhD Dissertation Defense Committee is comprised of the dissertation advisor and a minimum of four other graduate faculty members.

» PhD thesis defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: In most cases, the committee for the preliminary exam will also be the committee for the PhD thesis defense.

» PhD thesis defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: It is customary that this committee will meet once a year to discuss the candidate's progress, and will form the PhD thesis defense committee.

» say in + defence of = decir en defensa de.

Example: What has been said in defense of full titles may be true, that 'it takes longer to abridge a title than to copy it in full'.

» say in + defense of = decir en defensa de.

Example: What has been said in defense of full titles may be true, that 'it takes longer to abridge a title than to copy it in full'.

» sea defence = defensa costera.

Example: She has hit out at the shoddy work that was carried out recently to try and improve the sea defences in Blackrock.

» self-defence [self-defense, -USA] = defensa personal, autodefensa, defensa propia, legítima defensa.

Example: She holds that war is just if conducted for just ends (self-defence and the righting of wrongs).

» thesis defence = defensa de tesis.

Example: After the thesis defence, the student will therefore sign a document, whereby he or she, as author, permits the consultation and the lending of the thesis.

» thesis defence committee = tribunal de tesis, tribunal de defensa de tesis.

Example: A proposal of the dissertation research must be presented to and approved by the thesis defense committee.

defense [defence, -UK] = defensa. 

Example: The only defense that Panizzi was able to muster in this case was to cite the authorities instead of the reasons he followed.


» biodefence [biodefense, -USA] = defensa bioquímica, biodefensa.

Example: The article 'From bioweapon to biodefense' reports on a pilot scientometric project whose goal was to trace changes in biodefence research and the activities of its main players, Russia and the USA.

» coastal defence = defensa costera, fortificación costera.

Example: The article deals with the role of the coastal defence system in coastal navigation.

» defence line = línea defensiva.

Example: Fortresses and defence lines were used to protect as much territory as possible.

» defense attorney [defence attorney, -USA] = abogado defensor.

Example: Harris' defence attorney attempted to portray her as an upstanding, well-bred member of the community, and as a powerless, unwilling part of a love triangle.

» defense forces, the = fuerzas de defensa, las; fuerzas defensivas, las.

Example: As per estimates, the demand for armoured vehicles in the defence forces is pegged at about 2000 vehicles per year.

» defense industry, the [defence industry, -UK] = industria de defensa, la.

Example: 'Aerospace Online' is a network of aerospace intelligence databases providing current, historical and forecast information on the aerospace/defence industry = "Aerospace Online" es una red de bases de datos con información confidencial sobre el espacio que ofrece información actual, histórica y de pronóstico sobre la industria aeroespacial y de defensa.

» defense mechanism [defence mechanism, -UK] = mecanismo de defensa.

Example: According to these results, it is suggested that both chemicals examined could damage hemocytes and further influence the defense mechanism of prawns = De acuerdo con estos resultados, se sugiere que ambos productos químicos examinados podrían dañar a los hemocitos y además influir en el mecanismo de defensa de las gambas.

» defense minister = ministro de defensa, secretario de defensa.

Example: Defence Minister Ehud Barak has called on the Prime Minister to stand down over corruption allegations.

» defense strategy = estrategia de defensa.

Example: Safety in numbers serves as a defense strategy in many organisms, as aggregation can reduce the probability of predation for individual group members.

» Department of Defense (DOC) = Departamento de Defensa. [Equivalente en los Estados Unidos al Ministerio de Defensa en España]

Example: ARPANet is the precursor to the Internet, developed in the late 60's and early 70's by the US Department of Defense.

» dissertation defence = defensa de tesis.

Example: This paper attempts to deal with these issues by means of an in-depth analysis of the tape recorded transcripts of a dissertation defense.

» dissertation defence committee = tribunal de tesis.

Example: At the end of your coursework, you will be required to complete a dissertation, which will be defended before a Dissertation Defense Committee.

» doctoral dissertation defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: The doctoral dissertation defense tests the candidate's ability to communicate the specific research project and its implications to a broad scholarly audience.

» doctoral dissertation defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: The doctoral dissertation defense committeeº is comprised of a minimum of four and a maximum of seven members.

» doctoral thesis defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: Students enrolled in the program will have to complete a doctoral thesis as well as a doctoral thesis defense.

» doctoral thesis defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: I would also like to thank all examiners from my doctoral thesis defence committee for their invaluable comments.

» missile defence = defensa con misiles.

Example: President Bush has begun in earnest his sales pitch to America and the rest of the world for missile defence.

» national defence = defensa nacional.

Example: This project was undertaken to see which resources were available in Canadian public libraries on the general issues of world peace, nuclear disarmament, the arms race, the nuclear threat, national defence policy.

» natural defences = defensas naturales.

Example: Various responses to stress can damage the body's natural defences against disease.

» PhD dissertation defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: It is normal to be anxious before you have to face your PhD dissertation defense session.

» PhD dissertation defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: The PhD Dissertation Defense Committee is comprised of the dissertation advisor and a minimum of four other graduate faculty members.

» PhD thesis defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: It is customary that this committee will meet once a year to discuss the candidate's progress, and will form the PhD thesis defense committee.

» sea defence = defensa costera.

Example: She has hit out at the shoddy work that was carried out recently to try and improve the sea defences in Blackrock.

» thesis defence = defensa de tesis.

Example: After the thesis defence, the student will therefore sign a document, whereby he or she, as author, permits the consultation and the lending of the thesis.

» thesis defence committee = tribunal de tesis, tribunal de defensa de tesis.

Example: A proposal of the dissertation research must be presented to and approved by the thesis defense committee.

Defence synonyms

defense in spanish: defensa, pronunciation: dɪfens part of speech: noun denial in spanish: negación, pronunciation: dɪnaɪəl part of speech: noun vindication in spanish: vindicación, pronunciation: vɪndəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun refutation in spanish: refutación, pronunciation: refjuteɪʃən part of speech: noun demurrer in spanish: demurrer, pronunciation: dɪmɜrɜr part of speech: noun defense mechanism in spanish: mecanismo de defensa, pronunciation: dɪfensmekənɪzəm part of speech: noun defense team in spanish: equipo de defensa, pronunciation: dɪfenstim part of speech: noun defence mechanism in spanish: mecanismo de defensa, pronunciation: dɪfensmekənɪzəm part of speech: noun defending team in spanish: equipo defensor, pronunciation: dɪfendɪŋtim part of speech: noun defensive measure in spanish: medida defensiva, pronunciation: dɪfensɪvmeʒɜr part of speech: noun defense reaction in spanish: reacción de defensa, pronunciation: dɪfensriækʃən part of speech: noun defense lawyers in spanish: abogados defensores, pronunciation: dɪfenslɔjɜrz part of speech: noun defence reaction in spanish: reacción de defensa, pronunciation: dɪfensriækʃən part of speech: noun defensive structure in spanish: estructura defensiva, pronunciation: dɪfensɪvstrʌktʃɜr part of speech: noun

Defence antonyms

offense pronunciation: əfens part of speech: noun prosecution pronunciation: prɑsəkjuʃən part of speech: noun
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