Defect in spanish


pronunciation: defektoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

defect1 = defecto, falta. 

Example: This book offers pithy and witty advice on how to write, defects in prose style, punctuation, and preparing a manuscript.


» birth defect = defecto de nacimiento, defecto congénito, defecto hereditario, defecto genético.

Example: DEFORMITIES-GENETIC ASPECTS is an aspect of birth defects, and that has not yet become a standard LC heading.

» congenital defect = defecto congénito.

Example: In this tutorial, you will use the thesaurus in a search for information about the diagnosis and treatment of spina bifida, a congenital defect.

» congenital heart defect = cardiopatía congénita.

Example: Congenital heart defects are the most common type of major birth defect.

» gene defect = defecto genético.

Example: Only two single gene defects are associated with gallstones.

» heart defect = cardiopatía.

Example: Heart defects in young people can go undetected until serious trouble begins.

» hereditary defect = defecto hereditario.

Example: If the embryo contains any hereditary defects, the parents may be advised for abortion.

» manufacturing defect = defecto de fabricación, defecto de fábrica.

Example: This article discusses the dangers of defective products and the difference between design errors and manufacturing defects.

» mental defect = deficiencia mental.

Example: Chatigny's theory was that sexual sadism was a mental defect and therefore a mitigating, if not entirely exonerating, factor in sentencing.

» physical defect = defecto físico.

Example: In fact, some of the famous Hollywood actresses have physical defects, as they are human-beings just like the rest of us.

» remedy + defect = subsanar un defecto.

Example: The principal defect to be remedied is information about the holdings of other libraries.

defect2 = desertar. 

Example: Finally, the issue of the number of defectors versus the speed at which they defect is discussed.

Defect synonyms

desert in spanish: Desierto, pronunciation: dezɜrt part of speech: noun fault in spanish: culpa, pronunciation: fɔlt part of speech: noun flaw in spanish: falla, pronunciation: flɔ part of speech: noun blemish in spanish: defecto, pronunciation: blemɪʃ part of speech: noun shortcoming in spanish: defecto, pronunciation: ʃɔrtkəmɪŋ part of speech: noun
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