Defeat in spanish


pronunciation: deroʊtɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

defeat1 = derrota, fracaso, rechazo. 

Example: Indeed, in larger libraries, there are those who regard a referral as tantamount to an admission of defeat.


» imply + defeat = suponer derrota, suponer fracaso.

Example: To some people, surrender may have negative connotations, implying defeat, giving up, failing to rise to the challenges of life.

» in defeat = en la derrota.

Example: Speaking personally, I do not like to gloat -- I like to think we can be generous in victory and gracious in defeat.

» shattering defeat = derrota aplastante.

Example: The shattering defeat puts Hatton's future in the sport in doubt.

» sound + note of defeat = darse por derrotado.

Example: Finally, in 1939, Clarence Sherman sounded the note of defeat when he wrote that librarians had been forced to abandon `the long-cherished hope that the free public library would reach a constantly expanding population, book-conscious and reading-desirous'.

» sport(s) defeat = derrota deportiva.

Example: Apparently nobody told Vancouver that rioting over a sports victory or defeat is pretty solid evidence you don't have anything to really riot about.

» victory from the jaws of defeat = ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido.

Example: The article is entitled 'Victory from the jaws of defeat: a tribute to the Newark Public Library'.

defeat2 = abatir, derrotar, vencer. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Dewey Decimal system defeats Truman! Library cartoons'.


» defeat + the enemy = derrotar al enemigo, vencer al enemigo.

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

defeat3 = rechazar. 

Example: The author focuses on the campaign of the Idaho Library Association to defeat this initiative.


» defeat + a motion = rechazar una moción.

Example: The motion was narrowly defeated by the SLA and passed by the ALA.

» defeat + legislation = rechazar una ley.

Example: Such restraint creates a ridiculous and pathetic situation in which librarians refuse to speak out against, or work to defeat legislation destructive to libraries such as California's Propositions.

defeat4 = frustrar. 

Example: There are hundreds, if not thousands, of software programs intended to defeat some of these sabotage actions.


» defeat + an effort = frustrar un intento, frustrar un esfuerzo.

Example: Once again, Russian winter has defeated the efforts of the invaders to conquer the motherland.

» defeat + Posesivo + objective = ser contraproducente, no tener sentido.

Example: They actually defeating their objective because they are feeding and fuelling the very mentality which is creating the ills they say they want to eliminate.

» defeat + Posesivo + purpose = ser contraproducente, no tener sentido.

Example: Objectives are the basis of 'control' in the first sense; but they must never become the basis of 'control' in the second, for this would defeat their purpose.

Defeat synonyms

overcome in spanish: superar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrkəm part of speech: verb kill in spanish: matar, pronunciation: kɪl part of speech: verb frustration in spanish: frustración, pronunciation: frəstreɪʃən part of speech: noun licking in spanish: paliza, pronunciation: lɪkɪŋ part of speech: noun vote down in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: voʊtdaʊn part of speech: verb vote out in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: voʊtaʊt part of speech: verb

Defeat antonyms

triumph pronunciation: traɪəmf part of speech: noun victory pronunciation: vɪktɜri part of speech: noun
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