Default in spanish


pronunciation: defektoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

default1 = operación por defecto, por defecto. 

Example: The default is that a record is deleted when the retention date exceeds the purge date in the record.


» by default = por defecto.

Example: Associated with each vendor in the system is a claim category which is assigned to the order by default, but which may be changed for each order.

» default value = valor por omisión.

Example: And now change the indicator back to the default value.

default2 = información por omisión, información por defecto. [Datos preestablecidos que aparecen automáticamente en los campos de una plantilla de trabajo y que normalmente el usuario puede alterar]

Example: To use the 'default,' or built-in command settings, simply press RETURN.

default3 = incumplimiento. 

Example: Such personal belonging or property is deposited with pawnbrokers who has the right to encash such pawns in case there is a default in repayment of the loan.


» be in default = ser moroso.

Example: In the event that you do not pay the amount due within this period, you shall be considered to be in default, without any further notice of default being required = En el caso de que no pague la cantidad debida dentro de ese período, se le considerará como moroso sin que sea necesario ninguna otra notificación al respecto.

» default on loans = impago de préstamos.

Example: A collapse in house prices can lead to bankruptcies, defaults on loans and, in extremis, the need for the banking system to be bailed out by the government.

» in default of = a falta de.

Example: Wire staplers were first introduced in about 1875 in default of satisfactory book-sewing machines (which were not fully developed until 1882).

» loan default = impago de un préstamo.

Example: A poor job market is a major driver of student loan defaults.

default4 = incumplir. 

Example: If the contractor defaults in his performance and fails to fulfill his contractual promises, the surety can itself complete the contract, or pay damages up to the limit of the bond.

default to5 = tomar por omisión, tomar por defecto, volver a. 

Example: If you enter a language which is not available, the system will default to English.

Default synonyms

nonpayment in spanish: falta de pago, pronunciation: nɑnpeɪmənt part of speech: noun default on in spanish: predeterminado en, pronunciation: dɪfɔltɑn part of speech: verb nonremittal in spanish: nonremittal, pronunciation: nɑnremɪtəl part of speech: noun default option in spanish: Opción por defecto, pronunciation: dɪfɔltɑpʃən part of speech: noun

Default antonyms

pay pronunciation: peɪ part of speech: verb, noun payment pronunciation: peɪmənt part of speech: noun pay up pronunciation: peɪʌp part of speech: verb ante up pronunciation: æntiʌp part of speech: verb
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