Defame in spanish


pronunciation: difɑmɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

defame = vilipendiar, desprestigiar, deshonrar, injuriar, calumniar, difamar, denostar, denigrar. 

Example: A former Thai magazine editor has been sentenced to 11 years in jail for defaming the country's king.

Defame synonyms

slander in spanish: calumnia, pronunciation: slændɜr part of speech: noun smear in spanish: frotis, pronunciation: smɪr part of speech: noun denigrate in spanish: denigrar, pronunciation: denəgreɪt part of speech: verb sully in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: sʌli part of speech: noun besmirch in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: besmɜrk part of speech: verb calumniate in spanish: calumniar, pronunciation: kəlʌmnieɪt part of speech: verb asperse in spanish: difamar, pronunciation: əspɜrs part of speech: verb smirch in spanish: mancillar, pronunciation: smɜrtʃ part of speech: noun, verb
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