Defamatory in spanish


pronunciation: difɑmɑtoʊɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

defamatory = difamatorio. 

Example: The others names are defamatory.

Defamatory synonyms

harmful in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: hɑrmfəl part of speech: adjective denigrating in spanish: denigrante, pronunciation: denɪgreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective slanderous in spanish: difamatorio, pronunciation: slændɜrəs part of speech: adjective libelous in spanish: difamatorio, pronunciation: laɪbələs part of speech: adjective libellous in spanish: difamatorio, pronunciation: laɪbələs part of speech: adjective calumnious in spanish: calumnioso, pronunciation: kəlʌmniəs part of speech: adjective denigratory in spanish: denigratorio, pronunciation: dɪnaɪgrətɔri part of speech: adjective calumniatory in spanish: de mentiras, pronunciation: kəlʌmniətɔri part of speech: adjective denigrative in spanish: denigrante, pronunciation: dɪnaɪgrətɪv part of speech: adjective
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