Deer in spanish


pronunciation: θieɹ̩boʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

deer = ciervo. 

Example: No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.


» deer hunter = cazador de ciervos.

Example: Two deer hunters found the tables had turned on Friday morning when they were attacked outside their own house by a wild deer.

» deer hunting = caza de ciervos.

Example: Properly controlled deer hunting is an important tool in managing deer populations.

» deer rutting call = berrea, berrea del ciervo.

Example: The potential for deer rutting calls to convey information on the identity of the caller has not been systematically investigated.

» deerstalker = cazador de ciervos. [Específicamente a pie. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Safety in the mountains: the New Zealand handbook for trampers, skiers, deerstalkers and mountaineers.

» deerstalker = gorra de cazador, gorro de cazador, gorra con orejeras, gorro con orejeras, gorra orejera, gorro orejero.

Example: As Moffat comments dryly: 'A modern young man who wore a deerstalker would look a right dickhead, wouldn't he?'.

» deer stalking = caza de ciervos. [Específicamente a pie]

Example: Deer stalking in Scotland has got to be one of the most majestic and challenging sporting experiences available.

» fallow deer = gamo.

Example: The analysis was applied to the identification of meats from red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, cattle, sheep, and goat .

» red deer = ciervo.

Example: The analysis was applied to the identification of meats from red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, cattle, sheep, and goat .

» reindeer = reno.

Example: Their main sources of livelihood are reindeer herding and tourism.

» roe deer = corzo.

Example: The analysis was applied to the identification of meats from red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, cattle, sheep, and goat .

» white-tailed deer = ciervo de cola blanca.

Example: However, meningeal worm has not been identified in white-tailed deer or caribou in western North America.

Deer synonyms

cervid in spanish: cérvido, pronunciation: sɜrvəd part of speech: noun
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