Deeply in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊfundɑmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

deeply = profundamente, muy. 

Example: I have found in reading extracts from Scott's diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott's words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.


» be deeply hurt = estar profundamente herido, estar profundamente dolido, estar profundamente dolorido.

Example: My partner is deeply hurt by my infidelity which I have since stopped.

» deeply felt + Nombre = más sincero + Nombre.

Example: I hope therefore that they will accept this expression of my sincere thanks as an inadequate but deeply felt acknowledgement of my debt to all of them.

» deeply furrowed = con muchos surcos, con muchos repliegues, lleno de surcos, lleno de repliegues, con muchas arrugas, lleno de arrugas, muy arrugado.

Example: Rejuvenation procedures typically performed in conjunction with a facelift are brow lift, to correct a sagging or deeply furrowed brow, and eyelid surgery to rejuvenate aging eyes.

» deeply grounded = profundamente arraigado.

Example: Briet's view was deeply grounded in theory.

» deeply ingrained = profundamente arraigado.

Example: A child's set about books and reading may be deeply ingrained as a result or earlier reading experiences, or it may be temporary and changeable.

» deeply rooted = profundamente arraigado.

Example: When these habits are general and deeply rooted, it is unwise for the cataloger to ignore them, even if they demand a sacrifice of system and simplicity.

» fall + deeply in love with = enamorarse locamente de, volverse loco por.

Example: Apollo fell deeply in love with Daphne, however she did not return his love.

» feel deeply about = estar disgustado por.

Example: This is not to say that scholarly authors are so altruistic that they are prepared to write books for nothing; indeed in my own researches I have come across situations where authors felt deeply about the way that publishers had treated them financially.

» feel + deeply hurt = sentirse profundamente herido, sentirse profundamente dolido, sentirse profundamente dolorido.

Example: Joseph must have felt deeply hurt and terrified when they did this but they went even further and sold him into slavery.

Deeply synonyms

deep in spanish: profundo, pronunciation: dip part of speech: adjective profoundly in spanish: profundamente, pronunciation: proʊfaʊndli part of speech: adverb
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