Deduction in spanish


pronunciation: dedukθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

deduction1 = deducción. 

Example: The abstracts of research papers will typically represent incidental findings (e.g. properties, side-effects, important inconsistencies in arguments or deductions, newly discovered data sources).


» logical deduction = deducción lógica.

Example: We look at the clues and use logical deduction to come up with the solutions.

» make + a deduction = deducir, llegar a una conclusión.

Example: The author discusses the various deductions which have been made from the results of the analysis.

deduction2 = descuento, deducción. 

Example: Each man took an equal share of the payment, regardless of how many pages he had set; deductions were made only for failings such as unpunctuality.


» charitable deduction = deducción por donación a obras benéficas.

Example: Artists can claim these donations as charitable deductions on their income tax statements.

» charitable tax deduction = deducción por donación a obras benéficas.

Example: In instances of very large gifts, the charitable tax deduction can be carried over for up to five successive years after the year in which the gift is made.

» income-tax deduction = gasto deducible.

Example: The elimination of income-tax deductions for children & the establishment of a refundable tax credit to support poor families in the US is proposed.

» make + deduction = deducir, restar, descontar.

Example: A single bill was made out, and each man took an equal share of the payment, regardless of how many pages he had set; deductions were made only for failings such as unpunctuality.

» tax deduction = gasto desgravable, gasto deducible, desgravación fiscal. [Cantidad que se puede detraer de la suma total sobre la que se calculan los impuestos de la declaración de la renta]

Example: All too many conferences, workshops, and courses are much ado about nothing, devoted to providing the sponsors with extra revenue and participants with tax deductions.

Deduction synonyms

implication in spanish: implicación, pronunciation: ɪmpləkeɪʃən part of speech: noun discount in spanish: descuento, pronunciation: dɪskaʊnt part of speech: noun synthesis in spanish: síntesis, pronunciation: sɪnθəsəs part of speech: noun subtraction in spanish: sustracción, pronunciation: səbtrækʃən part of speech: noun entailment in spanish: vinculación, pronunciation: ɪnteɪlmənt part of speech: noun deductive reasoning in spanish: razonamiento deductivo, pronunciation: dɪdʌktəvrizənɪŋ part of speech: noun tax deduction in spanish: deducción de impuestos, pronunciation: tæksdɪdʌkʃən part of speech: noun price reduction in spanish: reducción de precio, pronunciation: praɪsrədʌkʃən part of speech: noun

Deduction antonyms

addition pronunciation: ədɪʃən part of speech: noun
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