Dedication in spanish


pronunciation: dedikɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

dedication1 = dedicación. 

Example: Few librarians have had both his dedication and ability to make the catalog a living tool serving all of the people.


» dedication to work = dedicación al trabajo.

Example: To get ahead in this firm, you need honesty, integrity and a strong dedication to work.

dedication2 = dedicatoria. [En edición, nota del autor para expresar su agradecimiento, admiración, gracias, etc]

Example: Many of the books contained letters, ex-libris plates or handwritten dedications; those bound with the book have been xeroxed, others left loose have been removed, replaced by xerox copies and put in the library's autograph collection.

Dedication synonyms

commitment in spanish: compromiso, pronunciation: kəmɪtmənt part of speech: noun allegiance in spanish: lealtad, pronunciation: əlidʒəns part of speech: noun loyalty in spanish: lealtad, pronunciation: lɔɪəlti part of speech: noun
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