Dedicated in spanish


pronunciation: dedikɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

dedicate = dedicar. 

Example: Chapter 2 tackles books, pamphlets and printed sheets, and chapter 3 is dedicated to cartographic materials.


» dedicate + money = dedicar dinero.

Example: It has the appearance of a pro forma project, with little money dedicated to it and insufficient editorial commitment to its scholarly usefulness.

» dedicate + time = dedicar tiempo.

Example: Many libraries complained that it was an expensive service to run and that the staff operating it had to dedicate a lot of time to maintaining their skill.

dedicated1 = totalmente entregado, entusiasta, fervoroso. 

Example: There was a hard core of dedicated, British-trained librarians who practised their profession in tune with the social, economic and political situation of their time.

dedicated2 = dedicado a una aplicación específica. 

Example: Some systems call for dedicated and specially designed terminals.


» dedicated access = acceso dedicado.

Example: OCLC Europe supports a nationwide telecommunications network in the United Kingdom and Ireland to provide users with dedicated access to the OCLC data bases and associated service in the US.

» dedicated connection = conexión dedicada.

Example: We are separating set-up and running costs and the various levels of Internet access that are available (dial-up, dedicated connection) so that public library managers will be able to make sensible choices.

» dedicated line = línea dedicada.

Example: If a library expects constant use of a particular database from a supplier or vendor (perhaps a cataloging database such as OCLC), there may be a 'leased' or 'dedicated' line devoted solely to the access of a particular database in return for a stipulated annual fee.

» dedicated link = conexión dedicada.

Example: The OCLC Europe network is connected to the OCLC computer system in the US by a dedicated link via an undersea cable.

» dedicated terminal connection = conexión de terminal dedicada. [Línea directa que conecta el ordenador que contiene la información con un terminal remoto]

Example: Access to remote services is more often than not by means of dedicated terminal connections.

Dedicated synonyms

sacred in spanish: sagrado, pronunciation: seɪkrəd part of speech: adjective consecrate in spanish: consagrar, pronunciation: kɑnsəkreɪt part of speech: verb devoted in spanish: devoto, pronunciation: dɪvoʊtəd part of speech: adjective ordained in spanish: ordenado, pronunciation: ɔrdeɪnd part of speech: adjective votive in spanish: votivo, pronunciation: voʊtɪv part of speech: adjective consecrated in spanish: consagrado, pronunciation: kɑnsəkreɪtəd part of speech: adjective

Dedicated antonyms

desecrated pronunciation: dezəkreɪtɪd part of speech: adjective undedicated pronunciation: əndedəkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
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