Decorous in spanish


pronunciation: dekoʊɹ̩oʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

decorous = decoroso, correcto, honesto. 

Example: One might be forgiven for assuming that the question of class did not impinge upon the decorous and even tenor of the average librarian's working week.

Decorous synonyms

decent in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: disənt part of speech: adjective proper in spanish: apropiado, pronunciation: prɑpɜr part of speech: adjective staid in spanish: serio, pronunciation: steɪd part of speech: adjective sedate in spanish: sosegado, pronunciation: sɪdeɪt part of speech: adjective comely in spanish: gentil, pronunciation: kʌmli part of speech: adjective becoming in spanish: devenir, pronunciation: bɪkʌmɪŋ part of speech: adjective seemly in spanish: decoroso, pronunciation: simli part of speech: adjective comme il faut in spanish: comme il faut, pronunciation: kɑmɪlfɔt part of speech: adjective

Decorous antonyms

indecorous pronunciation: ɪndəkɜrəs part of speech: adjective indelicate pronunciation: ɪndelɪkət part of speech: adjective
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