Declining in spanish


pronunciation: deklinɑnte part of speech: verb
In gestures

decline2 = declinar, decaer, disminuir. 

Example: Library use declines during the June-October period when examinations have finished and the students are on vacation.

decline3 = rechazar. 

Example: The title 'Unsolicited marginal gift collections: saying no or coping with the unwanted' deals with the problem of how to cope with collections which should have been declined, but were not.


» decline + an offer = rechazar una oferta.

Example: She firmly declined his offer, and stuck to her words all the way = Ella rechazó con firmeza la oferta que él le hizo y mantuvo su palabra hasta el final.

» decline + Posesivo + invitation = rechazar una invitación.

Example: Unfortunately, he came down with a fever forcing him to decline her invitation on Saturday after he initially accepted.

declining = decreciente, cada vez menor. 

Example: The public library is a complex institution, evolving through many decades of human history and colliding today with the perplexing realities of change, declining funding, and shifting purpose.


» in + Posesivo + declining years = en + Posesivo + últimos años, en los últimos años de + Posesivo + vida, en el ocaso de + Posesivo + vida.

Example: In her declining years she lived with her sister, mainly hoping (she remarked sardonically) to outlive certain academics who had made her life difficult.

Declining synonyms

down in spanish: abajo, pronunciation: daʊn part of speech: adverb retrograde in spanish: retrógrado, pronunciation: retrəgreɪd part of speech: adjective regressive in spanish: regresivo, pronunciation: rəgresɪv part of speech: adjective failing in spanish: defecto, pronunciation: feɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective falling in spanish: que cae, pronunciation: fɑlɪŋ part of speech: adjective deteriorating in spanish: deteriorándose, pronunciation: dɪtɪriɜreɪtɪŋ part of speech: verb decreasing in spanish: decreciente, pronunciation: dɪkrisɪŋ part of speech: adjective retrogressive in spanish: retrógrado, pronunciation: retrəgresɪv part of speech: adjective regressing in spanish: regresando, pronunciation: rɪgresɪŋ part of speech: verb
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