Decline in spanish


pronunciation: disminuθioʊn part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

decline1 = decadencia, decaimiento, disminución, descenso, deterioro, declive, ocaso. 

Example: Library automation was in its ascendancy at precisely the same time that the nation's economy was firmly embarked on its present calamitous decline.


» be in decline = estar en decadencia, estar en declive, estar empeorando.

Example: She gives a personal assessment of the Congress, attempting to discover whether IFLA is growing healthily and usefully, or whether it is in decline.

» be on the decline = estar en decadencia, estar en declive, estar empeorando.

Example: The value of the US dollar is for a fact on the decline.

» decline in demand = disminución de la demanda.

Example: While decline in demand was the key driver for the 2008 crash, the sharp drop in prices this time around is being caused by a supply glut.

» fall into + decline = empezar a empeorar, empezar a deteriorarse, entrar en declive, ir en declive, caer en decadencia, entrar en decadencia.

Example: After the Romans left, the city of London fell into a decline.

» go into + a decline = empezar a empeorar, empezar a deteriorarse, entrar en declive, ir en declive, caer en decadencia, entrar en decadencia.

Example: America is going into a decline the like of which the world has never seen before.

» terminal decline = situación de decadencia irreversible.

Example: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.

decline2 = declinar, decaer, disminuir. 

Example: Library use declines during the June-October period when examinations have finished and the students are on vacation.

decline3 = rechazar. 

Example: The title 'Unsolicited marginal gift collections: saying no or coping with the unwanted' deals with the problem of how to cope with collections which should have been declined, but were not.


» decline + an offer = rechazar una oferta.

Example: She firmly declined his offer, and stuck to her words all the way = Ella rechazó con firmeza la oferta que él le hizo y mantuvo su palabra hasta el final.

» decline + Posesivo + invitation = rechazar una invitación.

Example: Unfortunately, he came down with a fever forcing him to decline her invitation on Saturday after he initially accepted.

Decline synonyms

fall in spanish: otoño, pronunciation: fɔl part of speech: verb, noun descent in spanish: descendencia, pronunciation: dɪsent part of speech: noun wane in spanish: menguar, pronunciation: weɪn part of speech: verb, noun refuse in spanish: desperdicios, pronunciation: rəfjuz part of speech: verb, noun decay in spanish: decaer, pronunciation: dəkeɪ part of speech: noun reject in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: rɪdʒekt part of speech: verb diminution in spanish: disminución, pronunciation: dɪmənuʃən part of speech: noun worsen in spanish: empeorar, pronunciation: wɜrsən part of speech: verb go down in spanish: bajar, pronunciation: goʊdaʊn part of speech: verb turn down in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: tɜrndaʊn part of speech: verb downslope in spanish: cuesta abajo, pronunciation: daʊnsloʊp part of speech: noun declivity in spanish: declividad, pronunciation: dɪklɪvɪti part of speech: noun pass up in spanish: dejar pasar, pronunciation: pæsʌp part of speech: verb

Decline antonyms

take pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb have pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb rise pronunciation: raɪz part of speech: noun, verb better pronunciation: betɜr part of speech: adjective, adverb raise pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb ameliorate pronunciation: əmiljɜreɪt part of speech: verb consent pronunciation: kənsent part of speech: noun accept pronunciation: æksept part of speech: verb improve pronunciation: ɪmpruv part of speech: verb upgrade pronunciation: əpgreɪd part of speech: verb, noun improvement pronunciation: ɪmpruvmənt part of speech: noun climb pronunciation: klaɪm part of speech: verb, noun ascent pronunciation: əsent part of speech: noun acclivity pronunciation: æklɪvɪti part of speech: noun meliorate pronunciation: meljɜreɪt part of speech: verb go for pronunciation: goʊfɔr part of speech: verb
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