Declarative in spanish


pronunciation: deklɑɹ̩ɑtiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

declarative = factual. 

Example: In this model declarative knowledge is the knowledge of facts, whereas procedural knowledge is the knowledge of the steps necessary to perform a particular task.


» declarative knowledge = conocimiento factual, conocimiento teórico. [Conocimiento que alguien posee 'sobre' un algo y que generalmente se contrapone o complementa al 'conocimiento práctico' (procedural knowledge) de cómo hacer algo]

Example: Secondary school children were interviewed to determine their declarative knowledge of computers and computer use.

Declarative synonyms

indicative in spanish: indicativo, pronunciation: ɪndɪkətɪv part of speech: adjective asserting in spanish: afirmando, pronunciation: əsɜrtɪŋ part of speech: verb declaratory in spanish: declaratorio, pronunciation: dɪklerətɔri part of speech: adjective declarative mood in spanish: estado de ánimo declarativo, pronunciation: dɪklerətɪvmud part of speech: noun indicative mood in spanish: modo indicativo, pronunciation: ɪndɪkətɪvmud part of speech: noun fact mood in spanish: estado de ánimo hecho, pronunciation: fæktmud part of speech: noun common mood in spanish: estado de ánimo común, pronunciation: kɑmənmud part of speech: noun

Declarative antonyms

interrogative pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun interrogatory pronunciation: ɪnterɑgətɔri part of speech: noun
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