Declaration in spanish


pronunciation: deklɑɹ̩ɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

declaration = declaración. 

Example: Profiles may remain empty declarations of intent in a changing reality.


» declaration form = declaración jurada, descargo de responsabilidad. [Compromiso formal que el lector contrae con la biblioteca a la hora de pedir una fotocopia de un documento o parte de él por lo cual se compromete a usarla sólo con fines de estudio o investigación]

Example: Potocopying includes making photocopies, dealing with declaration forms and payments.

» declaration of agreement = declaración de conformidad.

Example: It has been stated that the applicant for library membership is usually required to sign a declaration of agreement to abide by the library's rules and regulations.

» declaration of intent = declaración de intenciones.

Example: While it is a useful declaration of intent for primary library users, its lack of an external assessment instrument is an important shortcoming.

» declaration of principles = declaración de principios.

Example: The following document is the complete text of the Declaration of Principles signed by the Heads of State participating in the First Summit of the Americas.

» declaration of war = declaración de guerra.

Example: On December 8, 1941, Lomax sent a telegram urging folklorists around the United States to collect and record man-on-the-street reactions to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the subsequent declaration of war by the United States.

» form of declaration = declaración jurada, descargo de responsabilidad. [Compromiso formal que el lector contrae con la biblioteca a la hora de pedir una fotocopia de un documento o parte de él por lo cual se compromete a usarla sólo con fines de estudio o investigación]

Example: For a library to provide a copy of a periodical article without infringing copyright laws, a form of declaration should be completed and signed by the person requesting the copy.

Declaration synonyms

resolve in spanish: resolver, pronunciation: rizɑlv part of speech: verb, noun resolution in spanish: resolución, pronunciation: rezəluʃən part of speech: noun
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