Deck in spanish


pronunciation: kubieɹ̩tɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

deck1 = paquete, baraja, mazo, mazo de cartas. 

Example: As the user traverses links, new pages appear on top of the current deck.


» deck of cards = juego de fichas.

Example: Any new concepts or terms that emerge during this examination of relationships must also be inserted in the deck of cards = Cualquiera de los conceptos o términos nuevos que surjan durante este análisis de las relaciones deben insertarse también en el juego de fichas.

» deck of cards = baraja de cartas, mazo de cartas. [Para jugar al azar]

Example: The tarot is a deck of cards that originated over 500 years ago in northern Italy.

» deck of playing cards = baraja de cartas, mazo de cartas.

Example: A standard deck of plastic-coated playing cards is modified by having LC call numbers taped to their backs corresponding to the order of the cards' faces.

» shuffle + a deck = barajar un paquete de cartas.

Example: The deck is shuffled and then the first card is placed face up on the table in front of the card dealer.



» cassette deck = pletina.

Example: DVD players, CD players, speakers and cassette decks that have provisions for expanding a stereo system into a complete home theater are the recommended best buys.

» record deck = unidad de disco.

Example: This article describes the design which can accommodate up to 5 tape decks, 2 record decks and 7 amplifiers.

» tape deck = unidad de cinta. [En un sistema de sonido, sólo el mecanismo que lee la cinta]

Example: This article describes the design which can accommodate up to 5 tape decks, 2 record decks and 7 amplifiers.

deck3 = cubierta. [De un barco]

Example: To illustrate how the mechanism works in a realistic domain, the author implements design systems for the deck structure and midship section of bulk cargo ships = Para ilustrar cómo funciona el mecanismo en un entorno real, el autor pone en práctica sistemas de diseño para la estructura de cubierta y la sección de mitad del barco de los navíos de carga.


» all hands on deck! = todos a cubierta.

Example: The article is entitled 'All hands on deck: navigating the political waters of off-campus library programs'.

» all hands on deck = todos a la faena, todos manos a la obra, todos al rescate.

Example: As this is a small yet growing company, it is all hands on deck and the term, 'that's not my job' should not be in your vocabulary!.

» cannon deck = cubierta de cañones, cubierta de artillería, cubierta de armas.

Example: Another nautical phrase is 'no room to swing a cat' and refers to the fact that on the cannon decks of most naval ships there was no room to administer punishment by use of the cat o'nine tails.

» deck chair = tumbona, hamaca.

Example: The article is entitled 'The cost of providing electronic resources: are we rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic?'.

» flight deck = cubierta de vuelo.

Example: Aircraft carriers are ships outfitted with flight decks to launch and land airplanes.

» foredeck = cubierta de proa. 

Example: The coast guard has published photos of the submerged ship resting awkwardly on a sandbank, its foredeck protruding up out of the water.

» gun deck = cubierta de cañones, cubierta de artillería, cubierta de armas.

Example: The gun deck, sometimes referred to by the Pilgrims as the 'tween deck,' is where the Pilgrims lived for most of the voyage.

» lower deck = cubierta inferior.

Example: Cabins on the upper decks usually cost more than those on the lower decks.

» pool deck = borde de la piscina.

Example: If you walk around the pool deck during practice and you look at the swimmers swimming breaststroke you will see that as soon as the head enters the water the swimmer starts blowing bubbles.

» sundeck = solario, terraza.

Example: Room opens to a generous private terrace and sundeck with an ocean view, and will accommodate 2 adults and 1 infant under the age of four.

» tween deck = entrecubierta.

Example: The gun deck, sometimes referred to by the Pilgrims as the 'tween deck,' is where the Pilgrims lived for most of the voyage.

» upper deck = cubierta, sobrecubierta, cubierta superior.

Example: Cabins on the upper decks usually cost more than those on the lower decks.

deck4 = ataviar, engalanar, adornar, embellecer. 

Example: A hospice volunteer has decked his house in hundreds of Christmas lights in a bid to raise money.


» bedeck (with) = acicalar, adornar, aderezar, ataviar, decorar, engalanar. 

Example: We should not leave Mother Earth with scars but with flowers bedecked in her hair.

» deck out = ataviar, engalanar, adornar, embellecer.

Example: He was described as 'a self-important, self-righteous blowhard, puffing his filthy pipe, patches on the elbows of his well-worn tweed jacket, decked out in the cliche costume of the shabby liberal icon'.

» deck + Reflexivo = ataviarse, emperifollarse, emperejilarse, engalanarse, acicalarse, endomingarse, ir de tiros largos, vestir de tiros largos.

Example: And having performed her ablutions, she decked herself in charming ornaments and splendid garlands of celestial odour.

deck5 = tumbar de un golpe, derribar de un golpe. 

Example: I would seriously deck her but I'm too good for that and will only hit someone if they hit me first.

Deck synonyms

grace in spanish: gracia, pronunciation: greɪs part of speech: noun dump in spanish: tugurio, pronunciation: dʌmp part of speech: noun, verb floor in spanish: piso, pronunciation: flɔr part of speech: noun embellish in spanish: embellecer, pronunciation: ɪmbelɪʃ part of speech: verb adorn in spanish: adornar, pronunciation: ədɔrn part of speech: verb decorate in spanish: Decorar, pronunciation: dekɜreɪt part of speech: verb bedeck in spanish: adornar, pronunciation: bɪdek part of speech: verb beautify in spanish: embellecer, pronunciation: bjutɪfaɪ part of speech: verb bedight in spanish: noche, pronunciation: bɪdaɪt part of speech: verb coldcock in spanish: Coldcock, pronunciation: koʊldkɑk part of speech: verb knock down in spanish: noquear, pronunciation: nɑkdaʊn part of speech: verb deck of cards in spanish: Mazo de cartas, pronunciation: dekʌvkɑrdz part of speech: noun pack of cards in spanish: paquete de cartas, pronunciation: pækʌvkɑrdz part of speech: noun
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