Deceive in spanish


pronunciation: engɑnjɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

deceive = engañar. 

Example: Mostly facsimiles are made without dishonest intent, although some have certainly been intended to deceive, and the ease with which they can be identified varies with the reproduction process used.


» O what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive! = ¡En qué lío cada vez más complicado nos metemos al mentir!. [Palabras de uno de los personajes de Walter Scott que hoy día se utiliza como cita]

Example: O what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to retrieve...

Deceive synonyms

betray in spanish: traicionar, pronunciation: bɪtreɪ part of speech: verb delude in spanish: engañar, pronunciation: dɪlud part of speech: verb cozen in spanish: engañar, pronunciation: koʊzən part of speech: verb lead on in spanish: dirigir, pronunciation: ledɑn part of speech: verb lead astray in spanish: extraviar, pronunciation: ledəstreɪ part of speech: verb

Deceive antonyms

undeceive pronunciation: əndəsiv part of speech: verb
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