Deceitful in spanish


pronunciation: engɑnjoʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

deceitful = embustero, mentiroso, engañoso, falso. 

Example: Again, on the matter of the sources already consulted by the enquirer, the implication is not that he is unreliable or deceitful, but that in looking up the Encyclopedia Americana he may not be aware of the existence of the index.

Deceitful synonyms

duplicitous in spanish: duplicado, pronunciation: duplɪsɪtəs part of speech: adjective fallacious in spanish: erróneo, pronunciation: fəleɪʃəs part of speech: adjective fraudulent in spanish: fraudulento, pronunciation: frɔdʒələnt part of speech: adjective ambidextrous in spanish: ambidextro, pronunciation: æmbədekstrəs part of speech: adjective dishonest in spanish: deshonesto, pronunciation: dɪsɑnəst part of speech: adjective two-faced in spanish: dos caras, pronunciation: tujdfeɪst part of speech: adjective dishonorable in spanish: deshonroso, pronunciation: dɪsɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective double-dealing in spanish: doble trato, pronunciation: dʌbəldilɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective janus-faced in spanish: cara de janus, pronunciation: dʒənusfeɪst part of speech: adjective double-faced in spanish: doble cara, pronunciation: dʌbəlfeɪst part of speech: adjective double-tongued in spanish: doble lengua, pronunciation: dʌbəltəŋdid part of speech: adjective
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