Dealt in spanish
pronunciation: repɑɹ̩tidoʊ part of speech: verb

» deal + a blow = asestar un golpe, dar un revés, dar un tortazo, atizar un golpe.
Example: The Internet has dealt a blow to the librarian's comfortable role as an information gatekeeper at the centre of the information providing business.» deal + a death blow = asestar un golpe mortal, dar el golpe de muerte, dar el puntillazo, dar la puntilla, dar el golpe de gracia.
Example: It has been said that Cutter in developing his method of alphabetic subject indexing 'dealt the death blow' to ninenteenth-century title-term indexing.» deal + a killer blow = asestar un golpe mortal, dar el golpe de muerte, dar el puntillazo, dar la puntilla, dar el golpe de gracia.
Example: Pakistan has vowed to target Taliban leaders and deal a killer blow to the Islamists.» deal in = comerciar con, especializarse en. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio dealt]
Example: SCOCLIS is the umbrella body for the 30 UK local networks which deal in commercial and technical information resources.» deal in = tratar de, versar sobre, ocuparse de.
Example: Slake's Limbo belongs to a large category of fiction that deals in exile, whether enforced or self-sought.» deal + Nombre + a bad hand = traer mala suerte.
Example: He couldn't understand why life had again dealt him a bad hand, threw him a curved ball -- why someone like her was now a mere name on a gravestone.» deal with = tratar de, versar sobre, ocuparse de. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio dealt]
Example: Part II deals with entry and heading for all types of materials.» deal with = tratar con, lidiar con, gestionar, hacer frente a, afrontar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio dealt]
Example: How do I deal with my spouse now that my divorce has turned ugly?.» deal with + a complaint = atender a una queja, tratar una queja.
Example: This leaflet gives details of how to make a comment or complaint and how we will deal with complaints.» deal with + a concept = hacerse a una idea, aceptar una idea, acostumbrarse a una idea.
Example: In this age of financial restriction we have to see ourselves, even at the smallest unit, as an international library resource network, and unless we can deal with this concept we can't rework the ISBD into a viable tool.» deal with + a crisis = enfrentarse a una crisis, hacer frente a una crisis.
Example: His method of dealing with crises, he explained, was to 'turn out the light, say "bugger everyone," and go to sleep'.» deal with + an issue = tratar un asunto, tratar una cuestión, enfrentarse a un problema.
Example: Libraries want to deal with issues on their own terms and not on the terms of their clients.» deal with + a problem = tratar un problema.
Example: Perhaps since they have only an inadequate measure of only one of the five characteristics, the schools ought to recognize their inability to deal with the problems and give up.dealt = Tiempo pasado y participio del verbo deal with (ocuparse de). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]
Example: During her tenure as head of the EPA library, she dealt with the dissatisfaction with the national treatment of U.S. documents in a most constructive manner, by establishing the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT).