Dawn in spanish


pronunciation: ɑmɑneθeɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

dawn1 = amanecer, albores, alba. 

Example: Cahn also postulated that about ten million scientific papers had been produced since the dawn of civilization = Cahn también postuló que se habían producido aproximadamente diez millones de artículos científicos desde los albores de la civilización.


» at dawn = al amanecer, al alba.

Example: World-wide, the mantra for reducing potential shark attack is 'don't bathe at dawn and dusk'.

» at the break of dawn = al amanecer, al alba, al romper el día, al despuntar el día, al rayar el alba, al despuntar el alba.

Example: When your rooster crows at the break of dawn, look out your window, and I'll be gone.

» at the crack of dawn = al amanecer, al alba, al romper el día, al despuntar el día, al rayar el alba, al despuntar el alba.

Example: And at the crack of dawn all that's left now is the occasional sound of sea gulls.

» at the dawn of = en los albores de, al principio de, con el nacimiento de.

Example: At the dawn of this new century, we see the result of current scientific and technological advancement.

» before dawn = antes del amanecer.

Example: The pattern of changes in embolisms indicated almost no embolisms before dawn, followed by a rapid rise to a peak in mid-morning, then a progressive loss of embolisms in late afternoon.

» break of dawn = alba, amanecer, albores.

Example: He must be defeated before the break of dawn; all players will instantly die if he is still alive at that point.

» dawn chorus = canto de los pájaros al amanecer, trino de los pájaros al amanecer, coro matinal de los pájaros, coro del alba de los pájaro. [También llamado morning chorus]

Example: Birds have different threshold of light intensity at which they begin to sing in the morning and that is why the same bird always begins the dawn chorus.

» dawn raid = ataque matutino, asalto matutino, redada matutina.

Example: The article is entitled 'Dawn raids and doddering academics'.

» from dawn (to/till/until) dusk = desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer, de sol a sol.

Example: Each monk labored from dawn to dusk, six days a week, copying books by hand.

» get up at + the crack of dawn = levantarse al despuntar el día, levantarse con las gallinas, levantarse al cantar el gallo.

Example: My grandpa used to tell me about how he had to get up at the crack of dawn every day to start work on the farm.

» ray of (the) dawn = rayo del amanecer.

Example: His snorting releases flashes of light; his eyes are like the rays of the dawn.

» since the dawn of time = desde el principio de los tiempos, desde el comienzo de los tiempos, desde que el mundo es mundo.

Example: Since the dawn of time people have expressed themselves in stories, to wile away the time, warn the next generation or perhaps, point to a brighter future but certainly always, to entertain.

» the dawn of = los albores de, los orígenes de, los comienzos de, los inicios de, el principio de, el comienzo de, el inicio de.

Example: The story of disjointness stretches back to the dawn of communication complexity.

» till dawn = hasta el amanacer.

Example: Harry was a right laugh. I remember finding him in my bath one night, pissed as a lord, laughing his head off... and then weeping throughout till dawn.

dawn2 = amanecer. 

Example: The day dawned with clear skies and a slight breeze.

dawn3 = aparecer, surgir. 

Example: However, because of the long duration of feudal society, modern civilization, including modern libraries, dawned in China later than in the industrialized Western countries.


» dawn on = caer en la cuenta, darse cuenta.

Example: It dawned on her that what she was doing might be a mistake, and she began to think of how best to extricate herself.

Dawn synonyms

aurora in spanish: Aurora, pronunciation: ɜrɔrə part of speech: noun penetrate in spanish: penetrar, pronunciation: penətreɪt part of speech: verb click in spanish: hacer clic, pronunciation: klɪk part of speech: verb, noun morning in spanish: Mañana, pronunciation: mɔrnɪŋ part of speech: noun sunrise in spanish: amanecer, pronunciation: sʌnraɪz part of speech: noun daybreak in spanish: recreo de día, pronunciation: deɪbreɪk part of speech: noun get through in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: getθru part of speech: verb sunup in spanish: salida del sol, pronunciation: sʌnəp part of speech: noun dawning in spanish: madrugada, pronunciation: dɔnɪŋ part of speech: noun dayspring in spanish: días de primavera, pronunciation: deɪsprɪŋ part of speech: noun cockcrow in spanish: canto de gallo, pronunciation: kɑkkroʊ part of speech: noun get across in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: getəkrɔs part of speech: verb sink in in spanish: hundirse en, pronunciation: sɪŋkɪn part of speech: verb come home in spanish: ven a casa, pronunciation: kʌmhoʊm part of speech: verb fall into place in spanish: caer en su lugar, pronunciation: fɔlɪntupleɪs part of speech: verb first light in spanish: primera luz, pronunciation: fɜrstlaɪt part of speech: noun break of day in spanish: pausa del día, pronunciation: breɪkʌvdeɪ part of speech: noun break of the day in spanish: descanso del día, pronunciation: breɪkʌvðədeɪ part of speech: noun

Dawn antonyms

sunset pronunciation: sʌnset part of speech: noun sundown pronunciation: sʌndaʊn part of speech: noun
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