DBMS in spanish


pronunciation: dbms part of speech: noun
In gestures

DBMS (database management system) = gestor de bases de datos. 

Example: Loosely, the first type of base may be referred to as IR (Information Retrieval) and the second as DBMS (Data Base Management System).


» DBMS-based = basado en un gestor de bases de datos.

Example: Fig.5.4 shows a full record from a DBMS-based acquisitions file, together with that record in the eventual order to the bookseller.

» DBMS system = gestor de bases de datos.

Example: DBMS systems aim to allow data to be re-organised to accommodate growth, shrinkage and so on.

DBMS synonyms

database management system in spanish: sistema de administración de base de datos, pronunciation: deɪtəbeɪsmænədʒməntsɪstəm part of speech: noun
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