Cylindrical in spanish


pronunciation: θilindɹ̩ikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cylindrical = cilíndrico. 

Example: An English inventor, William Nicholson, realized as early as 1790 that the effective size of a printing press could be increased by making the impression surface (or platen) cylindrical rather than flat.

Cylindrical synonyms

rounded in spanish: redondeado, pronunciation: raʊndəd part of speech: adjective vasiform in spanish: vasiforme, pronunciation: væsəfɔrm part of speech: adjective cylindric in spanish: cilíndrico, pronunciation: sɪlɪndrɪk part of speech: adjective tubelike in spanish: tubelike, pronunciation: tubɪlaɪk part of speech: adjective tube-shaped in spanish: en forma de tubo, pronunciation: tubʃeɪpt part of speech: adjective
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