Cycle in spanish


pronunciation: θikloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

cycle1 = ciclo. 

Example: A period of seven years was set as the publication cycle for the new editions.


» annual cycle = ciclo anual.

Example: Salt efflorescence on the brick wall there shows seasonal changes with an annual cycle.

» life cycle [lifecycle/life-cycle] = ciclo de vida, ciclo vital.

Example: Indeed, if we were to look again at the life cycle of institutions, what does that mean in terms of action steps that we need to take?.

» life cycle [lifecycle/life-cycle] = ciclo de vida, ciclo vital. [En edición, las diferentes etapas de un documento, desde su creación a su publicación]

Example: The research is, in reality, targeted at the complete lifecycle of a publication, from the scholarly creation, through the editing, to the publication.

» lunar cycle = ciclo lunar.

Example: The lunar cycle (moon phases) repeats with a period of 29.5 days.

» menstrual cycle = ciclo menstrual, ciclo sexual femenino, menstruación.

Example: The sexiness of a woman's walk varies over her menstrual cycle, with herwiggle being most attractive when she is least fertile, say researchers.

» monthly cycle = ciclo mensual, ciclo menstrual, menstruación.

Example: A woman's monthly cycle is measured from the first day of her menstrual period until the first day of her next period.

» period cycle = ciclo menstrual, ciclo sexual femenino, menstruación.

Example: If it is your first time getting your period, your period cycle may be irregular.

» readiness cycle = ciclo de disponibilidad.

Example: We must prepare our units throughout all phases of the readiness cycle to ensure we are ready when called upon to support our nation overseas or at home.

» vicious cycle = círculo vicioso.

Example: But with both sides seething with indignation, it's difficult to imagine a breakthrough in the vicious cycle of threats, sanctions and provocations.

» yearly cycle = ciclo anual.

Example: Budgeting in libraries, which is usually on a yearly cycle, is the primary means by which formulated plans can be carried out.

cycle2 = vehículo con ruedas en línea. 

Example: Other branches of engineering include: 629.1 Aerospace engineering, .2 Motor land vehicles and cycles, .3 Air-cushion vehicles (Hovercraft), and .4 Astronautics.


» bicycle = bicicleta.

Example: In most circumstances, the whole/part (partitive) relationship is also not a legitimate BT/NT relationship; that is bicycle WHEELS is a legitimate NT under WHEELS but not under bicycles.

» cycle lane = carril bici.

Example: We just want to expand the number of cycle lanes in the center of London to ensure the safety of all cyclists in their daily journeys.

» cycle touring = ciclismo turístico.

Example: These activities included canoeing, rowing, archery, abseiling and cycle touring.

» motorcycle = motocicleta, ciclomotor, moto.

Example: Chilton Book Company is probably the largest publisher of repair guides for automobiles and motorcycles, and there is no end to the clamor for these tools at a reference desk.

» tricycle = triciclo.

Example: This is a guide to the selection of tricycles suitable for use by handicapped children in toy libraries.

cycle3 = montar en bicicleta, ir en bicicleta. 

Example: Her experiences in Namibia involved cycling along dirt roads through the bush to village schools in order to read stories and help children make their own books = Sus experiencias en Namibia supusieron ir en bicicleta por caminos de tierra por el campo a las escuelas de las aldeas para leer cuentos y ayudar a los niños a hacer sus propios libros.

Cycle synonyms

round in spanish: redondo, pronunciation: raʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb wheel in spanish: rueda, pronunciation: wil part of speech: noun rhythm in spanish: ritmo, pronunciation: rɪðəm part of speech: noun bike in spanish: bicicleta, pronunciation: baɪk part of speech: noun pedal in spanish: pedal, pronunciation: pedəl part of speech: noun bicycle in spanish: bicicleta, pronunciation: baɪsɪkəl part of speech: noun motorcycle in spanish: motocicleta, pronunciation: moʊtɜrsaɪkəl part of speech: noun hertz in spanish: hertz, pronunciation: herts part of speech: noun cps in spanish: cps, pronunciation: sipies part of speech: noun hz in spanish: hz, pronunciation: z part of speech: noun cycle per second in spanish: ciclo por segundo, pronunciation: saɪkəlpɜrsekənd part of speech: noun
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