Cuss in spanish

Tipo de

pronunciation: tipoʊde part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

cuss1 = blasfemia, maldición, palabrota, grosería. 

Example: I never heard a cuss from her mouth before.


» cuss jar = bote para depositar dinero por decir tacos, bote para depositar dinero por decir palabrotas. [Costumbre que algunas familias siguen para acostumbrar principalmente a los hijos a no decir palabrotas]

Example: Those who let a foul word slip will be encouraged to deposit money into the cuss jar as penance.

» cuss word = palabrota, taco, blasfemia, maldición, grosería.

Example: Outside of school, we might pepper a sentence with a cuss word or two for emphasis, but in general swear words were not part of our vocabulary.

» let + a cuss out = soltar una palabrota, soltar un taco.

Example: I have a friend who is a poster child for being proper, but among closest friends, she lets a cuss or two out.

cuss2 = tipo, tío, pibe. 

Example: When I was a kid it was common to refer to someone as a cuss.

cuss3 = blasfemar, jurar, decir palabrotas, soltar palabrotas, decir tacos, soltar tacos. 

Example: A person who cusses all the time loses credibility.


» cuss at = insultar, increpar.

Example: I'd have done the same, the young girl cussing at the cop needs a slap on the back of her head!.

Cuss synonyms

swear in spanish: jurar, pronunciation: swer part of speech: verb curse in spanish: maldición, pronunciation: kɜrs part of speech: noun, verb fellow in spanish: compañero, pronunciation: feloʊ part of speech: noun oath in spanish: juramento, pronunciation: oʊθ part of speech: noun lad in spanish: muchacho, pronunciation: læd part of speech: noun expletive in spanish: expletivo, pronunciation: eksplətɪv part of speech: noun chap in spanish: Cap, pronunciation: tʃæp part of speech: noun pest in spanish: parásito, pronunciation: pest part of speech: noun gadfly in spanish: tábano, pronunciation: gædflaɪ part of speech: noun fella in spanish: amigo, pronunciation: felə part of speech: noun blaspheme in spanish: blasfemar, pronunciation: blæsfim part of speech: verb gent in spanish: caballero, pronunciation: dʒent part of speech: noun blighter in spanish: sinvergüenza, pronunciation: blaɪtɜr part of speech: noun imprecate in spanish: imprecar, pronunciation: ɪmprəkeɪt part of speech: verb swearing in spanish: juramento, pronunciation: swerɪŋ part of speech: noun swearword in spanish: palabrota, pronunciation: swɪrwɜrd part of speech: noun curse word in spanish: palabra maldita, pronunciation: kɜrswɜrd part of speech: noun pesterer in spanish: Pesterer, pronunciation: pestɜrɜr part of speech: noun
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