Cross in spanish
pronunciation: kɹ̩uθɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb

cross1 = cruz, crucifijo, aspa.
Example: Examples of iconic expressions are the cross and the Crescent representing Christianity and Islam respectively.more:
» Catholic cross = cruz católica.
Example: Over time, other small Catholic crosses were placed in the cemetery in memory of the persons who had died in the prison camp.» Christian cross = cruz cristiana.
Example: The Christian cross, with or without a figure of Christ included, is the main religious symbol of Christianity.» cross-shaped = en forma de cruz, cruciforme.
Example: After all, people have been designing cross-shaped buildings for thousands of years -- they're called churches.» cross-stitch = punto de cruz.
Example: Cross-stitch is easy -- it's just two little stitches crossed over each other.» cross-stitching = punto de cruz.
Example: That being said, it does take a little getting used to and we don't recommend it for your first cross-stitching project.» crosswalk = paso de peatones, cruce de peatones, paso (de) cebra.
Example: Before crossing into a crosswalk, ensure you make eye contact with the approaching drivers in both directions of traffic.» crossway = cruce de caminos, encrucijada.
Example: When they had walked for some time they came to a crossway, and there they agreed to part, and each take his own road.» Greek cross = cruz griega.
Example: Both the Latin and Greek crosses play an important part in the decorative styles of church buildings during the fourth and subsequent centuries.» hot cross bun = panecillo de Pascua, hornazo de Pascua.
Example: Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, hot from the oven with lashings of butter.» Iron Cross, the = Cruz de Hierro, la.
Example: During the next six years, the Iron Cross was awarded to Germans and their allies not only for personal bravery, but also for outstanding military achievements.» Latin cross = cruz latina.
Example: Both the Latin and Greek crosses play an important part in the decorative styles of church buildings during the fourth and subsequent centuries.» noughts and crosses = tres en raya, tres en línea.
Example: It is certainly true that identical grids to the noughts and crosses grid have been found scratched and etched into surfaces all over the ancient Roman empire.» Red Cross, the = Cruz Roja, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
Example: The Red Cross then established and ran a library for the about 500 asylum seekers who were interned on the ship awaiting police interviewing.» we all have our cross to bear = todos tenemos una cruz que llevar.
Example: We all have our cross to bear is said by believers and nonbelievers alike.cross2
» be at cross purposes = ir en contra de.
Example: These two functions of the library have often been at cross purposes to one another, because each has been associated with a conflicting view of the kind and amount of assistance to be offered to the reader.» cross-age [cross age] = entre diferentes edades, que afecta a varias edades, relativo a varias edades.
Example: The article 'Cross age tutoring works wonders' describes the development of that project, the basic tutoring session and gives an indication of the project's success.» cross-border = transfronterizo, transnacional, entre países.
Example: There are currently few examples of cross-border trading in English books but this looks set to change stimulated by the Internet and the euro.» crossbreed = raza cruzada, casta cruzada, híbrido, mestizo.
Example: Crossbreeds often display a mixture of their parents traits.» crossbreed = cruzar razas, mestizar.
Example: They also found that when the coral from the north and south were crossbred, genes for heat tolerance could be passed on.» crossbreeding = cruce de razas.
Example: If inbreeding increases homozygosity, crossbreeding is its opposite and maximises heterozygosity.» cross-campus = intercampus.
Example: The development of standards is a key issue for the library in its collaboration with the Computing Service in improving cross-campus communication.» cross check = comprobación, verificación.
Example: Having the volume and part number, for example, as well as the date of issue of the periodical enables cross checks to be made.» cross-checking [cross checking] = comprobación, verificación.
Example: Cross-checking every detail are a necessary drudgery that will be greatly simplified when the process is computerised.» cross-citing = croscita.
Example: Furthermore, the value of citation bibliometry is currently being undermined by the formation of 'citation clubs', which aim to indiscriminately achieve maximum cross-citing between 'club members'.» cross-classification = clasificación cruzada.
Example: Cross-classification, or the availability of more than one place for a subject, is quite common in a discipline oriented scheme, that is a scheme which starts by producing main classes which coincide with major disciplines.» cross-country = entre países, internacional.
Example: There is significant cross-country variation in these figures.» cross-country = de un extremo a otro del país.
Example: The author recounts the cross-country killing spree of Mickey and Mallory, a couple who owe something to Marlon Brando, James Dean, and Bonnie and Clyde.» cross country = campo a través.
Example: You should start six weeks before the start of a cross country season in order to get your body in shape to run a cross country race.» cross-cultural [cross cultural] = intercultural.
Example: This article examines the library profession from a cross-cultural perspective.» cross-current = contracorriente.
Example: This article examines cross-currents which pit the interests of special collections librarians against those of general, academic librarians.» cross curricular = interdisciplinar.
Example: Many LEA's and individual schools are seeing the school library as an appropriate location for computers to support the developments in cross curricular work and resource based learning.» crosscutting [cross cutting] = transversal, que le afecta a todo, común.
Example: The plan comprises over twenty projects addressing the partnership's three priority themes -- access, empowerment and governance -- and four crosscutting issues -- youth, the media, gender and local (community-based) knowledge.» cross database = base de datos cruzada.
Example: Also available is a cross data base for multifile searching (BRS/CROSS), online accounting, private data bases services and an online catalogue service.» cross database searching = búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos.
Example: There is a need for cross data base searching by software modification, standardisation of field names and search qualifiers.» crossdating = datación por comparación.
Example: This study examines the use of crossdating to determine the dates of death of coniferous trees in subalpine forests.» cross-disciplinary = interdisciplinar.
Example: Interesting perspectives of cross-disciplinary developments can be gathered from citation indexes in a way that would be difficult with traditional indexes.» cross-domain = en varias disciplinas, interdisciplinar.
Example: This article discusses techniques for building robust and domain-specific thesauri to assist in cross-domain scientific information retrieval.» cross-dresser [crossdresser] = travestí. [En español, travestí también se escribe sin acento travesti]
Example: In the play, cross-dressing is not a sign of a process of self-discovery on the part of the cross-dresser but rather the trigger of such a process in others.» cross-dressing [crossdressing] = travestismo.
Example: In the play, cross-dressing is not a sign of a process of self-discovery on the part of the cross-dresser but rather the trigger of such a process in others.» cross examination = interrogatorio, contrainterrogatorio, análisis minucioso.
Example: Attorneys appearing in these hearings often have only 1 or 2 days to prepare a cross examination.» cross-eye = ojo bizco.
Example: Preemies are at a much higher risk of lazy eye, near-sightedness, and cross-eyes, so they want to make sure if it is a problem, it gets caught early.» cross-eyed = bizco.
Example: Strabismus usually gives one a cross-eyed look.» cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA] = intercambio, intercambio de ideas, intercambio de conocimientos.
Example: Results indicate that the patterns of cross-fertilization vary greatly among these scientific fields.» cross-file [crossfile] = en varios ficheros.
Example: The article has the title 'Mapping the unmappable: plumbing the depths of cross-file and cross-system navigation'.» cross-file searching = búsqueda cruzada de ficheros, búsqueda en múltiples ficheros.
Example: The useful feature of Dialog's OneSearch cross-file searching capability are described in the light of experience gained in its use at Portland State University.» cross-functional = interdisciplinar, mixto.
Example: In the field of information technology academic institutions should adopt a cross-functional approach that provides a curriculum content that addresses real-world situations in a global setting.» cross-generational = intergeneracional, que afecta a varias generaciones.
Example: The article 'The effects of entry arrangement on search times: a cross-generational study' describes an experiment to test the effects of a vertical versus a horizontal arrangement on search times.» cross-institutional = interinstitucional.
Example: Six papers present research gathered from cross-cultural, cross-institutional, intra-institutional, and peer interaction analysis.» cross-language = multilingüe, en varias lenguas.
Example: This conference minitrack will cover theoretical and application issues related to cross-language document search.» cross-legged = con las piernas cruzadas.
Example: Yoga itÚs not all cross-legged meditation.» cross-library = entre varias bibliotecas.
Example: We have built these consortia to manage cross-library acquisitions and facilitate sharing of materials.» cross-lingual = multilingüe, entre varias lenguas, en varias lenguas.
Example: Monolingual interrogation is insufficient in an increasing number of cases, resulting in the need for cross-lingual retrieval = Las consultas monolingües son insuficientes en un número de casos cada vez mayor, siendo necesario la recuperación en varias lenguas.» crosslink = interrelacionar, entrelazar, interconectar.
Example: We can help you promote your business on the web by crosslinking your website with us and help drive traffic to your website.» cross-marriage = matrimonio interracial.
Example: A once closed society suddenly opened its doors to allow other ethnic groups to come in and settle down in their midst, which led to many cross-marriages.» cross-national [cross national] = internacional, entre países.
Example: This suggests an approach which includes cross-cultural as well as cross-national comparison.» cross-occupational = interprofesional, entre profesiones.
Example: Analysis indicates that strikes were most likely to be successful if they did not involve cross-occupational alliances.» crossover [cross-over] = cruce, coincidencia, solapamiento, transversalidad.
Example: Each person works two and a half days a week and this allows a midweek crossover period so that communication between them is not restricted to notes and phone calls.» cross-pollinate = cruzar, fertilizar, intercambiar ideas y métodos.
Example: The purpose of the conference is to cross-pollinate the research of all fields that endeavor to inform clients.» cross-pollination = intercambio.
Example: The conference disappointed in there was little cross-pollination of ideas between librarians in the developed and the developing countries.» cross-reference [cross reference/crossreference] = referencia cruzada. [Asiento bibliográfico que dirige al usuario de un entrada o encabezamiento a otro; sinónimo de asiento de referencia]
Example: If the number of categories becomes large, cross-references will be necessary between individual files.» cross-reference = contrastar, comparar.
Example: The editor has done a good job of cross-referencing the material, thus highlighting some of the ways in which separate factors interact and multiply their disintegrating effects.» cross-reference = incluir referencias cruzadas.
Example: Each of the book's 1,700 entries is listed in alphabetical order and cross-referenced where necessary.» cross reference heading = referencia cruzada.
Example: By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.» cross-referencing = creación de referencias cruzadas.
Example: It would be nice for libraries to practice more creative cross-referencing, for instance introducing cross-references from Flapjacks and Hotcakes to the primary heading, PANCAKES, WAFFLES, etc.; or from 'Coke' and 'Snow' to COCAINE.» cross-regional = interregional, entre regiones, transregional.
Example: It is suggested that providing better conditions for private investment will deepen, rather than flatten, cross-regional differences.» crossroads = cruce de caminos, encrucijada.
Example: When George Washington was born, Junctionville was no more than a tiny crossroads settlement of 37 families.» cross-search = buscar simultáneamente en varios sitios.
Example: Internet offers the possibility for end-users to cross-search all these collections simultaneously.» cross-search [cross search] = búsqueda simultánea en varios sitios.
Example: The latter is preferable as: it contains the results of cross searches in different databases.» cross-searching [cross searching] = búsqueda simultánea en varios ficheros.
Example: Cross searching of files are necessary as patents are written in generic terms making it difficult to determine specific commercial products.» cross-section [cross section] = muestra representativa, corte transversal, sección transversal.
Example: If we draw a cross-section through A, and plot this on a graph showing degree of relevance, we get the result denoted APUPA by Ranganathan.» cross-sectional [cross sectional] = de una muestra representativa.
Example: This is a cross-sectional study of the use of library books by undergraduate students.» cross-sectional analysis = análisis de una muestra representativa.
Example: The detailed analysis of the figures of turnover for 1979 give only a cross-sectional analysis of one year's trading.» cross-sectoral = intersectorial, multisectorial.
Example: Information for women and development is of a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral nature which makes the collection of information a difficult and time-consuming task.» cross-sensory = multisensorial, que mezcla sensaciones.
Example: The article 'Loud tastes, coloured fragrances, and scented sounds: how and when to mix the senses in persuasive communications' discusses 'synesthetic' or cross-sensory associations in persuasive language employed in advertising.» cross street = transversal, calle transversal.
Example: It will be incumbent upon you to give the exact location -- address and nearest cross street -- in order for the police to find the incident location.» cross-system = en varios sistemas.
Example: The article has the title 'Mapping the unmappable: plumbing the depths of cross-file and cross-system navigation'.» cross-tabulation = comparación.
Example: The analyses carried out included frequencies of variables and cross-tabulations, using chi-square to test for independence between variables.» crosstalk = cruce de palabras, interrupciones en el turno de palabra.
Example: In my meetings, crosstalk is when people begin responding out loud to someone who is talking -- it is an interruption and it is rude.» cross-town = de una punta de la ciudad a otra, de un lado de la ciudad a otra, de un extremo de la ciudad a otra, que atraviesa la ciudad, del otro lado de la ciudad, al otro lado de la ciudad.
Example: The average speed of cross-town traffic has dropped to 5.2 miles per hour (from 5.6 mph five years ago).» cross-trainer = elíptica, bicicleta elíptica.
Example: Cross-trainers are a great way to get fit without putting any excess pressure on your joints, lowering the risk of injuries.» cross-training [cross training] = formación en diferentes tareas.
Example: Cross training is the process of teaching an individual new job skills in a position other than his or her normal one.» crossways = transversalmente, a lo ancho.
Example: The best way to eat starfruit is to slice it crossways first so you get star shapes.» crosswind = viento de costado, viento de lado.
Example: It also happens that a crosswind causes a much larger deflection than does a headwind or tailwind of the same speed.» crosswise = transversalmente, a lo ancho.
Example: Peel onions, halve lengthways and slice very thinly crosswise.» crossword = crucigrama.
Example: Children are offered quiz, crossword and craft activities, many utilising the 150 or so library books on pets and related subjects.cross3 = pasar por, cruzar, traspasar, salvar.
Example: Some of the cases presented in this book are concerned with broad policy issues, while others are less encompassing and present some of the narrower problems that cross the library manager's desk.more:
» criss-cross [crisscross] = entrecruzar, entrelazar.
Example: The university buildings are grouped about stretches of greensward crisscrossed by paths and canopied by impressive trees.» cross + Adjetivo + lines = cruzar las líneas divisorias que separan + Nombre.
Example: Cultural study, especially for the museologist, must be interdisciplinary and cross class lines = Los estudios socioculturales, especialmente para el museólogo, deben ser interdisciplinares y cruzar las líneas divisorias que separan las clases sociales.» cross at + right angles = cruzarse en ángulo recto.
Example: The streets are broad and straight, crossing at right angles and are well macadamised.» cross check = comprobar, cotejar, verificar.
Example: All Allibone's work reveals how important it is for bibliographers to cross check their references and not take earlier work at its face value.» cross + Posesivo + fingers = cruzar los dedos, desear suerte, esperar que todo salga bien, esperar que la suerte + Pronombre + acompañe. [Gesto usado para indicar que uno espera que todo salga bien]
Example: The site went down but it's back up now (fingers crossed).» cross + Posesivo + legs = cruzar las piernas.
Example: She sat back in her chair, crossed her legs, lighted a cigarette, and smoked herself into a cloud.» cross off = tachar.
Example: Equally the housewife happily crossing off her numbers in the bingo hall is just as much at leisure as is her husband painting his pigeon loft and then going for a drink with his mates at the pub.» cross out = tachar.
Example: The time taken to print it can mean that it is out of date when it is available, and though withdrawals can be shown by crossing out, additions cannot be shown at all.» cross over = afectar.
Example: Conversely, indirect costs are those factors that are difficult to assign to individual products because they cross over several products.» cross over + the line = pasarse, sobrepasarse, propasarse, extralimitarse, excederse, ir demasiado lejos, pasarse de la raya, pasarse tres pueblos.
Example: But he knew that if he crossed over the line, he would get it in the teeth but good.» cross over + the line separating = cruzar la línea que separa.
Example: The primary task of these students is to prove in their thesis that they have crossed over the line separating novice and expert.» cross + paths with = cruzarse con, toparse con, encontrarse con, cruzarse en el camino.
Example: Some of you old timers are likely stealing a smile as you read this, tinking that you were lucky not to have crossed paths with him.» cross + Posesivo + arms = cruzar los brazos.
Example: She crossed her arms over her chest, and his gaze went automatically to her breasts.» cross + Posesivo + mind = pasar por la cabeza, pasar por la imaginación, ocurrírsele a Uno, venirle a Uno a la mente.
Example: While he supports the fight for gay marriage, the 70-year-old star recently confessed tying the knot never crossed his mind.» cross + Posesivo + path = cruzar en el camino de Alguien.
Example: His willingness to beat or shoot others who crossed his path reveals a man who was unable to see beyond the satisfaction of his own desires.» cross + Posesivo + path = cruzarse con, encontrarse con, toparse con, tropezar con.
Example: Based on hundreds of interviews with Hollywood's power players, she weaves Eisner's story together with those who have crossed his path.» cross post [cross-post] = publicar una noticia en varias listas de correo. [En Internet, se usa cuando se publica una noticia en más de una lista de correo o boletín de noticias]
Example: I thought this might be on interest... and sorry for any cross posting.» cross + swords with = habérselas con, cruzar la espada con, medir fuerzas con, medir las armas con, medir lanzas con.
Example: I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.» cross-tabulate = comparar, cotejar.
Example: Survey items, including subject searched, method of instruction, amount of searching experience, data base selected, and perceived relevance of citations retrieved, were cross-tabulated and examined for significance using the chi squared test.» cross + the boundary = cruzar la línea divisoria, cruzar la frontera.
Example: Modern developments in all areas of knowledge tend to cross the boundaries between disciplines.» cross + the dividing line = cruzar la línea divisoria.
Example: Effective planning will be necessary to convince government of the bility of the library to use resources effectively, but there is a danger that this may cross the dividing line and become the direction of policy.» cross + the finish line = cruzar la línea de meta, cruzar la meta.
Example: The hardest part about writing a novel is in crossing the finish line -- once the first draft is done, the finish line is in sight.» cross + the great divide = cruzar la línea divisoria.
Example: The article is entitled 'Crossing the great divide: Academic libraries move into the 21st century'.» cross + the line = cruzar la línea, mezclar.
Example: This is a critical distinction, and the line between policy and operations should not be crossed.» cross + the line = cruzar la línea divisoria, pasarse de la raya.
Example: The article is entitled 'Crossing the line: the development of archival standards'.» cross + the picket line = romper la huelga, dejar de hacer huelga.
Example: By October about 40 percent of the striking journalists had crossed the picket line.» cross + the red line = cruzar la línea roja.
Example: Sweating, headaches and shaking are just some of the physical signs that a person has 'crossed the red line' into full blown alcoholism.» cross + the Rubicon = cruzar el Rubicón, ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás, no haber vuelta atrás, cruzar el Rubicón.
Example: I don't know about crossing the Rubicon, but it's clear to me that we have missed our generation's greatest opportunity to reverse the direction of history.» cross + the street = cruzar la calle.
Example: Two researchers have created electronic goggles that help blind people cross streets safely.» cross + the threshold of = pisar el umbral de.
Example: And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.» cross + the waters = cruzar el mar, cruzar el oceano, cruzar el río, cruzar el lago.
Example: She crossed the waters to Ireland this week for a gig in Cork but it seems she had a run-in with the boys in blue during her visit.» cross + time barriers = superar la barrera del tiempo.
Example: The scope of a citation index, especially those published by ISI, is interdisciplinary, and also crosses time barriers in a way that a normal index would not do.» crosswalk = establecer equivalencias entre, migrar, traducir.
Example: The technical risks should have been crosswalked to cost.» dot + the i's and cross the t's = poner los puntos sobre las íes.
Example: We need to dot the i's and cross the t's but it looks like we could be moving to our new home pretty soon.» double-cross = traicionar.
Example: When she double-crossed him and returned to the mobster, the detective changed his identity and dropped out of sight.» the thought never + cross + Posesivo + mind (that) = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.
Example: Many thought I should leave her, but the thought never crossed my mind = Mucha gente pensaba que debería dejarla, pero yo nunca me lo planteé.» we'll cross that bridge when we come to it = cada cosa a su tiempo, todo a su (debido) tiempo, todo se andará.
Example: However, if the buyer doesn't want the business then it will have to be sold separately -- but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.» work at + cross purposes = ir en contra de.
Example: Libraries in developing countries may represent part of an alien cultural package, an importation ill suited to the country's needs, even working at cross purposes to the people's interests.cross4 = enojar, enfadar, dar rabia, dar coraje.
Example: There's more to it than that - he becomes vicious, cutting people up behind their backs if they cross him in any way.