Criminal in spanish
pronunciation: kɹ̩iminɑl part of speech: adjective, noun

criminal1 = delincuente, criminal. [Nombre]
Example: But whether women are delinquent, offenders, or criminals aside, we are still left with the fact that only four classes of persons are singled out in the Library of Congress subject heading list as criminals.more:
» criminal gang = banda de delincuentes, banda criminal, banda delictiva, grupo delictivo.
Example: We have been able to follow the money paid to these scam companies and have lifted the lid on the activities of a criminal gang.» cybercriminal = ciberdelincuente, delincuente cibernético, delincuente informático.
Example: Cybercriminals employ simple strategies to steal personal and financial information.» petty criminal = delincuente de poca monta.
Example: When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.» put + criminals behind bars = poner a los delincuentes entre rejas, encarcelar a los delincuentes, meter a los delincuentes en la cárcel, meter a los delincuentes en prisión, meter a los delincuentes en chirona.
Example: But putting criminals behind bars gave us all a purpose and made us feel better about ourselves.» war criminal = criminal de guerra.
Example: He was an Israeli undercover agent who captured and brought to justice many Nazi war criminals.criminal2 = delictivo. [Adjetivo]
Example: Prompt responses are required to bomb threats and reports of such dangerous or criminal conduct as sprinkling acid on chairs or clothing, mutilating books, tampering with the card catalog, or obscene behavior.more:
» bring + criminal charges against = llevar a juicio.
Example: Criminal charges are to be brought against 3 people after the seizure of counterfeit copies of British Telecom's PhoneDisc, a CD-ROM database containing the company's 100 or so telephone directories.» criminal act = delito, acto delictivo.
Example: Simenon may be read by many people for amusement only, but if we read him thoughtfully he shows us a variety of insights into the kind of crises that push people into criminal acts.» criminal background = antecedentes penales.
Example: Libraries must also ensure that pertinent medical history, health insurance, and criminal background information has been obtained prior to any volunteer starting to perform duties for the library.» criminal case = juicio penal.
Example: In a criminal case, the suspect or defendant has the right to remain silent during questioning by police and prosecuting attorneys.» criminal charges = acusaciones, cargos criminales, acusaciones de delito criminal.
Example: Another rota system operates in some magistrates courts, whereby a duty solicitor is on hand to assist people facing criminal charges who otherwise would be unrepresented = En algunos juzgados de asuntos menores el sistema de turnos es diferente pues siempre hay un abogado procurador de guardia a mano para ayudar a la gente acusada de delito criminal que de lo contrario no tendrían representación.» criminal court = tribunal de justicia, juzgado.
Example: The verbal display in the schedules might lead to the A/Z index entry criminal courts 343.19.» criminal fine = multa penal, multa delictiva, multa por delito.
Example: Criminal fines may also be imposed for felony charges, often in the amounts of thousands of dollars.» criminal group = banda de delincuentes, banda criminal, banda delictiva, grupo delictivo.
Example: Spanish police have seized a massive stash of weapons destined for criminal groups in Europe.» criminal history = antecedentes penales.
Example: A discharge means that the judge finds you guilty, but then discharges you instead of convicting you -- usually in the case of minor offences and if you have no criminal history.» criminal history record = antecedentes penales.
Example: The article 'Sealing criminal history records: shall we let the fox guard the henhouse in the name of privacy?' has once again raised the debate on the consequences of allowing press and public to view such data.» criminal investigation = investigación criminal.
Example: Topics include bicycle safety, riot control, drug abuse, criminal investigations, and national security.» criminal justice = justicia penal.
Example: This article investigates ways in which computer technology could be adapted in future to make the bail stage of the criminal justice system more humane and fair = Este artículo investiga las formas en las que se podría adaptar la tecnología informática para hacer que la libertad bajo fianza de la justicia penal sea más humana y justa.» criminal justice system = sistema de justicia penal.
Example: The complexities of developing a system which can maintain the progress of young people through the criminal justice system has taxed information systems to the limit.» criminal law = derecho penal.
Example: However, as a sub-class of 343, criminal law, we require the entry Courts : Criminal 343.19.» criminal liability = responsabilidad penal.
Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.» criminal negligence = negligencia criminal, imprudencia temeraria.
Example: That crucial evidence was withheld from the final report could give cause to bring charges of criminal negligence.» criminal offence = delito, delito penal.
Example: Works on alcoholic intoxication as a criminal offense are entered under the heading Drunkenness.» criminal past = pasado delictivo.
Example: This reality show explores the long-time friendship between two women, one of whom has had a mysterious criminal past which returns to haunt her.» criminal proceeding = proceso penal, enjuiciamiento.
Example: Criminal proceedings: Enter the official proceedings and records of criminal trial, impeachment, courts-martial, etc., under the heading for the person or body prosecuted.» criminal prosecution = proceso penal, persecución penal.
Example: Civil lawsuits are different from criminal proceedings in that civil proceedings are used when someone has been damaged by another's actions or a product and seeks money, rather than criminal prosecution.» criminal record = historial criminal, antecedentes penales.
Example: This Web site allows online access to criminal records.» criminal sanction = sanción penal.
Example: Should society's moral dictates be enforced with criminal sanctions?.» criminal scene, the = mundo del hampa, el; mundo de la mafia, el.
Example: This is but a myth used instrumentally by delinquents to establish a position on the criminal scene -- as doorkeepers, bodyguards, money collectors or other so-called 'specialists in violence'.» criminal statute = estatuto criminal.
Example: In the past decade, however, several states have amended their criminal or civil statutes to include the specific crime of 'feticide' or 'fetal homicide'.» criminal suspect = presunto delincuente, sospechoso de un delito.
Example: Criminal suspects have the right to remain silent when taken into police custody.» criminal trial = juicio criminal.
Example: Enter the official proceedings and records of criminal trial, impeachment, courts-martial, etc., under the heading for the person or body prosecuted.» criminal tribunal = tribunal criminal.
Example: Finally, the work of the United Nation's criminal tribunals has led to the greater protection of innocent civilians in war.» criminal underworld = mundo del hampa.
Example: Dickens's own outrage over the conditions of the poor in Britian conflicted with his revulsion at the criminal underworld & his fear of popular insurgence.» criminal world, the = mundo del hampa, el; mundo de la mafia, el.
Example: From its inception, 'Sanctuary', William Faulkner's novel of a young co-ed initiated through rape and murder into the criminal world was controversial.» face + criminal charges = ser acusado de un delito criminal.
Example: Another rota system operates in some magistrates courts, whereby a duty solicitor is on hand to assist people facing criminal charges who otherwise would be unrepresented = En algunos juzgados de asuntos menores el sistema de turnos es diferente pues siempre hay un abogado procurador de guardiay a mano para ayudar a la gente acusada de delito criminal que de lo contrario no tendrían representación.» have + a (criminal) record = tener antecedentes penales, estar fichado por la policía.
Example: Did you know that once you have been fingerprinted, you have a criminal record?.