Credit in spanish
pronunciation: kɹ̩editoʊ part of speech: noun

credit1 = crédito, saldo, saldo positivo, abono.
Example: Orders placed with a vendor as well as any credit or debit notes for the vendor are displayed by entering the number '9'.more:
» agricultural credit = crédito agrícola, préstamo agrícola.
Example: An adjectival heading comprise either a noun or noun phrase with adjectival modifier; for example, agricultural credit.» ask for + credit = pedir un crédito.
Example: Don't ask for credit as a refusal often offends.» credit balance = saldo positivo, saldo a favor, saldor acreedor, balance positivo.
Example: Bank accounts may have a credit balance where the bank owes money to the customer; or a debit balance where the customer owes the bank money.» credit card = tarjeta de crédito. [Tarjeta que permite al usuario obtener dinero en préstamo]
Example: This enables people to draw cash by means of a debit card (as opposed to a credit card, to help distinguish between money that is in one's account and money being borrowed from the credit-card organization).» credit crunch = escasez de crédito, restricciones crediticias, crisis crediticia, contracción crediticia.
Example: Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.» credit + expire = saldo + expirar.
Example: Once the 30 days is up, credit expires.» credit note = nota de cargo.
Example: When mistakes have been made in invoicing or in paying a vendor, a credit or debit note is issued.» credit rating = solvencia, nivel de solvencia. [Capacidad de un individuo de devolver préstamos u otro tipo de deudas contraídas con los bancos]
Example: This document provides risk analysis for 97 highly indebted countries and generates their credit ratings from a financial and political standpoint.» credit squeeze = escasez de crédito, restricciones crediticias, crisis crediticia, contracción crediticia.
Example: The bank, like many others, needs extra capital to ride out the credit squeeze.» credit standing = solvencia, solvencia financiera, capacidad crediticia, imagen crediticia.
Example: The minimum amount due is the amount you are required to pay to keep your account in good credit standing.» credit transaction = transacción de crédito, operación de crédito, operación crediticia, transacción crediticia.
Example: Barter transactions are assessable and deductible for income tax purposes to the same extent as other cash or credit transactions.» credit transfer = transferencia bancaria, giro bancario.
Example: In the past, card payments have not been as popular in the euro area as other payment instruments, such as credit transfers and direct debits.» credit union = cooperativa de crédito.
Example: If friends or family can't help, the next best option is to approach your bank or a credit union for a personal loan.» creditworthy = digno de crédito, solvente.
Example: A wide range of individuals can be a cosigner as long as they are creditworthy and accept the responsibilities of being a cosigner.» farm credit = crédito agrícola, préstamo agrícola.
Example: There will be higher prices in the markets this fall because of the lack of farm credit.» honour + a credit card = aceptar una tarjeta de crédito.
Example: Major credit cards are honoured throughout Norway at hotels, stores and restaurants.» run out of + credit = quedarse sin saldo, agotarse el saldo, acabarse el saldo, terminarse el saldo.
Example: If you run out of credit before the end of the offer period, your services will be suspended.» tax credit = desgravación fiscal.
Example: The elimination of income-tax deductions for children & the establishment of a refundable tax credit to support poor families in the US is proposed.» to + Posesivo + credit = en + Posesivo + haber, a + Posesivo + favor.
Example: This publication identifies those organisations which have been 'patent active', with 10 or more patents to their credit in the last 12 years.» trade + Nombre + for credit = vender a cuenta.
Example: Lackington traded for cash, not credit, and relied on the size of his turnover to make his fortune.credit2 = mérito.
Example: The ideal was forever etched in his consciousness from the day Crane uttered it: a good librarian working anywhere is a credit and benefit to libraries everywhere.more:
» be to the credit of = mérito + deberse a, mérito + atribuirse a.
Example: It is much to the credit of the British government that in the current reorganisation of local government it has insisted that public libraries be controlled by the top-tier authorities, those responsible for education and other major services.» claim + credit for = atribuirse el mérito de Algo.
Example: This paper discusses ways in which library staff become demotivated, including rigid hierarchies, ignoring staff, brushing aside suggestions, and claiming credit for their ideas.» credit + be due to = mérito + deberse a, mérito + atribuirse a.
Example: Much credit for this is due to Sharr's organisation and planning expertise.» credit + go to = mérito + deberse a, mérito + atribuirse a.
Example: Much of the credit for this goes to Apple Computer Community Network Grants in the early 80s.» credit transfer = transferencia de créditos.
Example: The primary purpose for establishing credit transfer agreements is to facilitate student mobility between institutions of higher education.» deserve + credit = merecer que se reconozca la labor realizada.
Example: I think special libraries deserve a great deal of credit in this area, and their innovations have not been acknowledged widely enough.» earn + credit for = difundir buena imagen de, hacer méritos.
Example: One respondent rather ruefully told us, 'In a way, I am delighted but they are so busy earning credit for the school that I am seriously worried about our ability to cover our own needs.» gain + credit = ganar credibilidad, ganar reconocimiento, ganar enteros.
Example: The work is very much akin to journalism in the way that time presses, the content must be dealt with in a craftsmanlike way but the author will gain credit more for 'reporting' skills than for philosophical analyses.» give + credit = reconocer, dar reconocimiento.
Example: The inventory needs to be revised, the salesman needs to be given credit for the sale, the general accounts need an entry, and, most important, the customer needs to be charged.» give + credit where credit is due = dar al César lo que es del César, honrar a quien honor merece, honrar a quien honra merece.
Example: But give credit where credit is due, Berger knows a thing or two about farming.» on the credit side = en el lado positivo, en su haber.
Example: On the debit side, then, lay several aspects of the fifteenth edition, but there were also some features on the credit side.» receive + credit = recibir reconocimiento por, ser reconocido por.
Example: Mühe had to watch from the sidelines as others received credit for the laparoscopic 'revolution'.» take + (the) credit (for) = atribuirse el mérito, llevarse el mérito, ponerse las medallas, colocarse las medallas, atribuirse la fama, llevarse la fama.
Example: And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.» to + Posesivo + credit = dicho sea a su favor, hay que decir a su favor que.
Example: To their credit, they created an ambitious programme to maximise the digital opportunities and advantages.credit3 = crédito. [Puntuación que recibe el alumno por curso tomado]
Example: They rejected totally the notion of giving credit for work done off-campus.more:
» credit-carrying = con créditos.
Example: All of the instructors for credit-carrying courses must be approved by the academic department.» credit course = curso con créditos.
Example: The course elective system, quickly adopted by some universities, coincided with the need to establish credit courses.» non-credit = sin créditos, sin reconocimiento de créditos.
Example: Although all schools are engaged to some extent in non-credit continuing education programmes, continuing education is not given high priority.» transfer credit = crédito de transferencia. [Crédito que un alumno ha cursado en una institución y otra se lo reconoce como válido]
Example: We cannot finalize your transfer credit evaluation until we receive your deposit and your final transcript with last semester's grades.credit4
» closing credits = créditos de cierre, títulos de cierre.
Example: Closing credits do not have any hard and fast rules that dictate how they need to be ordered, but there are conventions that have been established.» credit roll = títulos de créditos.
Example: I will include a credit roll at the end of your DVD if you send me an email that list each member of the wedding party and their function arranged in the order you would like them to appear.» end credits = créditos finales, títulos finales.
Example: If filling in the end credits for TV shows were part of your job you might get antsy sometimes too.» film credits = créditos de películas.
Example: Even in an age of new, non-print media, there is a place for typography -- in posters, publicity material, film credits.» opening credits = créditos iniciales, títulos iniciales.
Example: There is a brief scene in the opening credits to M*A*S*H in which a group of five nurses are shown running towards the chopper pad.credit5 = poner en el haber de.
Example: When the amount of money is positive, this money is credited to the vendor.credit6 = atribuir, reconocer, atribuir el mérito a.
Example: While he cannot be credited with shaping the library in terms of selecting the book stock, he maintained and cared for it diligently for many years.more:
» discredit = desacreditar, tildar, poner a los pies de los caballos, dejar a los pies de los caballos. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Such circulation may contribute little to the creation of whole personalities but it may do much to discredit the circulators.