Counter in spanish
pronunciation: moʊstɹ̩ɑdoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun, adjective

counter1 = mostrador.
Example: Arrangements vary, but one possibility is to place more popular books near to the counter, and less popular subjects in more remote areas of the library.more:
» bar counter = barra, barra de bar.
Example: Some pubs have menus on the tables, others have menus on the bar counter or chalked on blackboards - or both.» card counter area = área de numeración de la ficha. [Area del registro situada en la esquina inferior derecha de la ficha para indicar si el registro se compone de más de una ficha]
Example: The card counter area at the right bottom corner contains the card sequence number, if the catalog record requires more than one card.» check-in counter = mostrador de facturación.
Example: You will need to go to a check-in counter at the airport in order to complete your check-in process.» check-in counter = recepción, mostrador de recepción.
Example: The hotel lobby is quite impressive and rich looking, we walked up to the check-in counter and were greeted with fruit drinks and a warm smile.» chiller counter = vitrina refrigerada, vitrina frigorífica.
Example: Once a luxury product, smoked salmon is now a mainstay of supermarket chiller counters.» control counter = mostrador de préstamo.
Example: The control counter and associated screening are part of a co-ordinated modular system comprised of units which are readily reassembled into different configurations.» counter staff = personal del mostrador de préstamo.
Example: Many of the counter staff are female, poorly paid and have misgivings about the impact of technology on their work.» counter staff = personal del mostrador.
Example: Many of the counter staff are female, poorly paid and have misgivings about the impact of technology on their work.» countertop = encimera.
Example: With the proper care, your granite or marble countertop will stay new-looking for years.» deli counter = charcutería, mostrador de la charcutería, mostrador de los embutidos.
Example: My friend Cesar works the deli counter at my neighborhood grocery store.» issue counter = mostrador de préstamos.
Example: Monotony can be avoided by special lighting for individual cubicles, issue counters and exhibition areas.» over the counter = legal, de fácil acceso, asequible en establecimiento comercial, sin receta médica.
Example: With minor revision, the design recommendations were appropriate for developing over the counter medicinal leaflets.» over the counter = directamente al público, directamente al cliente.
Example: Crossed cheque means that it can only be paid into a bank account and cannot be paid in cash over the counter.» sale + over the counter = venta directa al público.
Example: The normal trade binding for most of the hand-press period was an inexpensive covering of calf or sheep, and it appears that retailers actually stocked copies of most books in this form for sale over the counter.» service counter = mostrador, mostrador de atención al público.
Example: It was decided, for example, that service counters should serve fewer readers that in the round reading room at the BL Reference Division.counter2
» counteract = contrarrestar, neutralizar, cancelar.
Example: Closed system tendencies, such as invoking system controls designed to counteract differences and correct deviations (thus scoring creativity as error), only push the institution more rapidly toward extinction.» counteraction [counter-action] = oposición.
Example: For the individual who seeks to react rationally, whether by personal complaint or collective counteraction, it is often difficult even to discover the information which is needed to make a start.» counter-argument [counterargument] = refutación, argumento en contra.
Example: Rules have been changed by trial-and-error, by logical argument and counter-argument, and by fiat.» counterattack [counter-attack] = contraataque.
Example: There is a second approach, though, one which already has proven itself on several Websites: that of a counterattack, one with an emphasis on cultural differences.» counterattack [counter-attack] = contraatacar.
Example: It was expected that the women's movement would concentrate on counterattacking the arguments against the amendment.» counterbalance = contrarrestar.
Example: Certain devices, eg links, roles and weighting, can be employed at the indexing stage to help counterbalance this factor.» counterbalance = medida de contrapeso.
Example: It will also support Europe's efforts to provide a counterbalance in this field to countries such as the USA and Japan.» counterblow = contragolpe.
Example: But the counterblow was launched, and the Russian army, like the French in 1815, was at once transformed into a panic-stricken mob.» countercharm = remedio contra un hechizo.
Example: One of the commonest countercharms for a bewitched animal was to cut a piece off of it -- frequently an ear -- and burn it or boil it.» counter claim = refutación.
Example: Mike Asser in an article in 'New library world' described these efforts stating that 'amid claim and counter claim the voice of the public library must be heard staking its claim'.» counterclockwise = en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.
Example: The front of the lens and the filter both unscrew in a counterclockwise direction.» counter-culture [counter culture] = contracultura.
Example: Liberation News Service (LNS) was an underground newspaper which supplied the US 1960s counter-culture with a variety of articles, essays and spoofs.» countercurrent = contracorriente.
Example: A countercurrent in the Western tradition rejects the Socratic position, however, and depicts the human pursuit of knowledge as a burden under which humans labor and from which they should strive to free themselves.» counter-evidence = argumentos en contra.
Example: In an attempt to provide counter-evidence to the accusation that the literature of gays is not being represented in library collections a study was conducted.» counterfactual = contrafactual, supuesto, hipotético, contrario a los hechos, suposición.
Example: By subtracting the counterfactual from the observed change (factual), the evaluation team can assess the effect of the intervention, e.g. effect on literacy, effect on individual income, effect on economic growth, etc.» counterfeiting = falsificación.
Example: The problems of piracy, misappropriation and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights are a hot issue in international trade.» counterinsurgency = contrainsurgencia.
Example: Although leadership decapitation is not a silver bullet, it is an effective technique that should be considered carefully in counterinsurgency strategy.» counterintelligence = contrainteligencia.
Example: Protecting information, identifying undercover agents, and operating clandestinely -- efforts known as counterintelligence -- are the primary objectives of terrorist groups evading detection.» counter-intuitive [counterintuitive] = nada lógico, nada intuitivo, nada instintivo.
Example: Results of the experiment were counter-intuitive = Los resultados del experimento no eran nada intuitivos.» countermark = contramarca, contraseña, contrasello. [En imprenta, pequeña filigrana con el nombre o iniciales del fabricante del papel utilizada principalmente en los siglos XVI y XVII]
Example: The countermark, which was commonly placed near one of the corners of the mould, usually took the form of the maker's name or initials, the date (of the mould, of course, not necessarily of the paper made in it), and occasionally the vat number.» countermeasure [counter measure] = contramedida, remedio, medida, prevención.
Example: This article reviews the extent of book theft in libraries and discusses some effective countermeasures that may help reduce the problem.» counterpart = equivalente, contrapartida, homólogo.
Example: The American counterpart of parliamentary publications are called congressional publications.» counterplot = contramaniobra.
Example: This remake of William Castle's action adventure adds a genuinely supernatural plot to the old story of the duplicitous wife scheming to kill her husband but being one-upped by his even more ingenious counterplots.» counterpoint = contraponer.
Example: The author uses a parallel story about Willis Joe to counterpoint the one about Slake, till the two are brought together to effect a satisfying resolution to Slake's underground life and his self-imposed 'limbo'.» counterpoint = contrapunto, opuesto, en contra.
Example: The point and counterpoint nature of the talks specifically concerned with AACR reflects the official roles the speakers have with respect to that draft.» counterpoise = contrapesar, actuar de contrapeso, servir de contrapeso, contraponer.
Example: Sustainable development is seen as a measure to counterpoise economic growth with environmental concerns.» counterpoise = contrapeso.
Example: Legislation on the working day was an active counterpoise to the power of the capitalist class.» counterpose = contraponer.
Example: Multiculturalism is taken as being synonymous with cultural diversity and denotes the recent critical concepts that are counterposed to ethnocentrism, cultural monolithicism, and the assumption of epistemological universality.» counterproductive [counter-productive] = contraproducente.
Example: It is arguable that such exhortation and implied criticism blunts receptivity and that it is ultimately counterproductive.» counterrevolution = contrarrevolución.
Example: A renewed interest in the teacher-as-person stems from the eternal revolution/counterrevolution in education.» counterrevolutionary = contrarevolucionario.
Example: After the government published 'The Dissidents,' a book which accused her of being a 'notorious counterrevolutionary,' workplace harassment of her father soon intensified.» countersign = ratificar, refrendar, avalar, visar, apostillar.
Example: You must have your form countersigned by someone of professional standing who has known you for at least two years.» countersignatory = refrendario, aval firmante.
Example: The countersignatory must also sign and date the endorsed photograph.» countersignature = contrafirma, refrendata, refrendo, aval de firma.
Example: I don't have a passport cos it ran out before Xmas so I have to send in my birth certificate and a countersignature.» counterstrategy = contraestrategia.
Example: Although the pregnant women did not describe precisely the same counterstrategies as did library users, their counterstrategies served the same ends.» countersuit = contrademanda.
Example: This article lists ACS responses to some of DIALOG's claims and describes the ACS countersuit and DIALOG's response to it.» countertendency = tendencia opuesta.
Example: There is also a countertendency to modify, replace, or avoid terms that are seen as overused.» counter-terrorism = contraterrorismo.
Example: In addition to general resources, it covers bioterrorism; counterterrorism; cyberterrorism; domestic preparedness and response; Islam; law; Middle East; September 11, 2001; and weapons of mass destruction.» counter-terrorist = contraterrorista.
Example: When counter-terrorists use the tactics of terrorists in order to counter terror, they descend to their moral level and just add more terror to the world.» counter to = contrariando, a diferencia de, en oposición a.
Example: But counter to some other industry watchers, the firm now thinks there won't be a big rebound in 2013.» counter-trend = contratendencia.
Example: This article discusses the status and condition of reference librarians, intermediaries, and libraries themselves, and examines trends and counter-trends.» countervailing = compensatorio.
Example: This article discusses the advantages of the book as a form of media, and its future, questioning its ability to keep pace with the countervailing attractions of other media.» counterweight = contrapeso.
Example: Teenage fiction that offers such elements is an immensely valuable counterweight to other media channels.» run + counter to = ir en contra de.
Example: Unfortunately the Library of Congress still has a policy which runs counter to this need.counter3 = contador. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]
Example: The Web offers many downloadable CGI scripts for basic functions, including counters, timers, guest books, image maps, and server-push animations.more:
» bargaining counter = moneda de cambio, baza.
Example: One might recall the threat issued by the Chechen terrorists to Moscow in 1995 to seize nuclear reactors and use them as a bargaining counter.» bean counter = contable de pacotilla.
Example: How can we be so stingy, such bean-counters, when it comes to the future of our country (especially health, education and infrastructure)?.» memory counter = contador con memoria. [Dispositivo electrónico que se coloca en las entradas y/o salidas de la biblioteca para contar el número de personas que la visitan]
Example: A 'people counter', also called a 'memory counter' or 'patron counter,' is an electronic device mounted by a main doorway, which counts the number of people that enter/exit that doorway.» patron counter = contador de usuarios. [Dispositivo electrónico que se coloca en las entradas y/o salidas de la biblioteca para contar el número de personas que la visitan]
Example: A 'people counter', also called a 'memory counter' or 'patron counter,' is an electronic device mounted by a main doorway, which counts the number of people that enter/exit that doorway.» people counter = contador de gente. [Dispositivo electrónico que se coloca en las entradas y/o salidas de la biblioteca para contar el número de personas que la visitan]
Example: A 'people counter', also called a 'memory counter' or 'patron counter,' is an electronic device mounted by a main doorway, which counts the number of people that enter/exit that doorway.» rev counter = cuentarrevoluciones.
Example: Tachometers or rev counters on cars, aircraft, and other vehicles show the rate of rotation of the engine's crankshaft.» step counter = contador de pasos, podímetro.
Example: A step counter, also known as a pedometer, is a small device worn on your waist that counts the number of steps you take in a day.counter4 = rebatir, contestar, responder, contrarrestar, combatir.
Example: The president countered with the view that most people fall somewhere between Type A and Type B anyway, and that effective time management and Type B behavior are not mutually exclusive.more:
» counter + an argument = rebatir un argumento.
Example: This article outlines two exhibitions of materials from collections formed years ago which will help the non-book librarian to counter the arguments that the medium is too expensive.COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources)5 = COUNTER (Contabilización del uso en línea de recursos electrónicos en red). [Norma para la recogida de estadísticas de uso de recursos electrónicos en Internet]
Example: COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources) is a multi-agency initiative whose objective is to develop a set of internationally accepted, extendible Codes of Practice that will allow the usage of online information products and services to be measured more consistently.