Cotton in spanish
pronunciation: ɑlgoʊdoʊn part of speech: noun

cotton1 = algodón.
Example: When appropriate, give the material(s) of which the object is made; e.g., 1 quilt : cotton.more:
» cotton ball = bola de algodón.
Example: This is a soft, adorable snowman easy to make from a tin can and bag of cotton balls.» cotton ball diet, the = dieta de las bolas de algodón, la.
Example: And the latest fad that some females are falling for is the so-called cotton ball diet, which can pose serious threats to health.» cotton bud = bastoncillo de algodón.
Example: Using cotton buds to remove earwax can cause permanent deafness, doctors have warned.» cotton candy = algodón de azúcar. [Americano]
Example: The puffy white clouds more suggestive of cotton candy than cumulonimbus.» cotton cloth = paño de algodón, trapo de algodón, tela de algodón.
Example: Use a clean cotton cloth to wipe off the water and any remaining paint.» cotton fabric = tela de algodón.
Example: Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.» cotton mill = fábrica de tejidos de algodón.
Example: As women became a vital and very large source of labour, particularly in New England, where they worked in the cotton mills, they achieved access to libraries through obligatory attendance at Sunday Schools.» cotton pad = almohadilla de algodón.
Example: When shopping for cotton pads, you want to look at whether or not they're made of organic cotton that's unbleached.» cotton rags = trapos de algodón. [Material que se utiliza como materia prima para hacer el papel de trapo de algodón]
Example: The early paper-making machines were dependent, as the hand vats had been, upon linen and (when they became available) cotton rags as their chief source of raw material.» cotton reel = bobina de hilo, carrete de hilo.
Example: As an introduction to early mathematical concepts, the cotton reels can be sorted or stacked into number or colour.» cotton spinning = hilado del algodón.
Example: This is made possible by the use of the initial capital letter which thus acts as an indicator, e.g.: H050 G572 Heart operations, E154 I222 Pruning of shrubs, I420 U505 cotton spinning.» cotton swab = bastoncillo de algodón, bastoncillo de los oídos, bastoncito de algodón, bastoncito de los oídos.
Example: Throat and nasal specimens were obtained from 53 children, using sterile cotton swabs.» cotton wool = algodón.
Example: Place a drop of a saturated solution of sugar in water on the paper and dab up the excess liquid with cotton wool.» like cotton on a lamb = como una lapa.
Example: The paparazzi have been on Rihanna like cotton on a lamb ever since she made her first public appearance in months.» wrap + Nombre + (up) in cotton wool = guardar entre algodones, proteger entre algodones, criar entre algodones.
Example: Fragile Sheridan Smith needs the support of her adoring fans, not to be wrapped up in cotton wool.cotton2
» cotton on (to) = caer en la cuenta (de), darse cuenta (de), percatarse (de).
Example: We failed to cotton on to the economic essential that owning stuff isn't productive, making stuff is.» cotton (on) to = coger cariño a, tomar cariño a, caer bien, caer en gracia, encariñarse con.
Example: He was a most affable bloke, and she cottoned on to him right away.» cotton up to = congraciarse con, intimar con, tratar de quedar bien con, hacerle la pelota a, intentar quedar bien con.
Example: They said my name in the dialect of my hometown, trying to cotton up to me.