Classified in spanish
pronunciation: klɑsifikɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
classified1 = clasificado, por categorías, por temas, clasificado por categorías, clasificado por temas.
Example: Each yearbook contains a classified list by profession/occupation.more:
» alphabetico-classified catalogue = catálogo sistemático alfabético. [Es más común utilizar la denominación alphabetico-classed catalogue para referirse a este tipo de catálogo]
Example: We have already seen that there are three traditional types of subject catalogues: the classified, the alphabetico-direct, and the alphabetico-classified.» classified ad = anuncio por palabras, anuncio de compra-venta.
Example: Users will have access to information such as constantly updated travel schedules, news and weather, stock market quotations and classified ads.» classified advertisement = anuncio por palabras, anuncio de compra-venta.
Example: The People's Electronic Exchange, from US Information Services, is an on-line service which provides the electronic version of classified advertisements in a national newspaper.» classified approach = tratamiento sistemático.
Example: A classified approach was necessary in the index, rather than an alphabetical approach because an internationally acceptable notation was important.» classified catalogue = catálogo sistemático. [Catálogo en el que los asientos se ordenan de acuerdo con un sistema de clasificación establecido previamente y en el que los encabezamientos son notaciones]
Example: A classified catalogue is a catalogue with three or four separate sequences: an author/title catalogue or index (or separate author and title catalogues), a classified subject catalogue, and a subject index to the classified catalogue.» classified display = presentación sistemática.
Example: On examination, we find that each thesaurus contains an alphabetic list combined with a classified display, and each has a very detailed network of semantic cross-references.» classified file = catálogo sistemático. [Catálogo en el que los asientos se ordenan de acuerdo con un sistema de clasificación establecido previamente]
Example: Entries in the classified file are thus arranged, or filed, according to the notation of the classification scheme in use.» classified order = orden sistemático. [Criterio de intercalación de las entradas de acuerdo con los principios de un sistema de clasificación]
Example: Other possible orders may be numerical, chronological (by periods of time), geographical (grouping places within a country or region together) or classified (according to a classification scheme, and ordered in keeping the notation of the classification scheme).» classified sequence = ordenación sistemática.
Example: The British Catalogue of Music is published quarterly with an annual cumulation, and is arranged in two separate sequences: 1) a classified sequence arranged by the Coates faceted classification scheme; 2) an alphabetical index of titles, composers, arrangers, etc..» classified subject catalogue = catálogo sistemático de materias.
Example: Classified subject catalogues have headings on entries which are classification symbols, for example 682.9, QC275, which have been drawn from a classification scheme.classified2 = clasificado, confidencial.
Example: The Clipper chip is used to encrypt communications which are not classified.more:
» classified document = documento confidencial, documento secreto, documento clasificado.
Example: 400 pages of interrogations, once closely guarded as secrets of war, were discovered along with reams of other classified documents by a reporter.classify = clasificar. [Proceso por el que se asignan notaciones de un sistema de clasificación a información o documentos para facilitar su indización y ordenación]
Example: This is an example of a classification which is restricted to a specific physical form, as it is used to classify maps and atlases.more:
» declassify = desclasificar. [Hacer pública información generalmente oficial que anteriormente era secreta]
Example: The article is entitled 'Dewey declassified: a revelatory look at the irrepressible reformer'.» reclassify [re-classify] = reclasificar.
Example: This limits the need for libraries to reclassify, but also restricts the revision of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.» subject classify = clasificar por materia.
Example: Documentation is the process of collecting and subject classifying all the records of new observations and making them available, at need, to the discoverer or the inventor.